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GEPS 017: Flexible gen.lib Interface

No change in size, 13:55, 12 January 2010
It would provide:
# init of objects in one single call.
:#* So Person() provides an empty Person object:#* Person(data) initializes an object, where data is the data about Person in the db which can be interpreted by an Engine object to set the attributes:#* Person(source=pers) remains possible, to duplicate an existing object* # When using gen.lib on a database, one must set an Engine that gen.lib should use. The engine knows how data is present in the database, and what fields in the objects correspond to this
# objects only set attributes that have no processing overhead at init. Other attributes are set only when they are needed, at which time they are further unpacked or fetched from db, via the engine.
# unserialize/serialize are removed as methods of an object, and are moved to the engine

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