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Run Gramps40 for Windows from source using Python 2.7.3

13,137 bytes added, 21:28, 20 March 2017
See also
==Introduction==This page gives information how to run Gramps 4{{man warn|Work in progress!!|Nobody guarantees anything at all!<br/>Any comments and help (e.0g.x from source on a Windows systemwiki pages) are welcome. After some trials there was the result to focus on 32 bit Python 2<br><br>Last update: 19.7.3 because of several issues related to Gtk and database connection. All steps were done by the author on Windows 7 64bit German01.2014<br><br>'''Work in progress!!'''}}{{stub}}
There are some parts marked as "TODO ISSUE" because of known issuesThis page provides information how to run Gramps 4.0.x to 4.1.x from source on a Microsoft Windows system with a 32 bit Python 2.7.6 (and Python 3.2 or greater).
There The principles are some parts marked as "TODO WORK" because it's not still OK. For a time without an AIO package that was a good way to have a running Gramps for Windows using Python 2.7.3. But the now available AIO package has a better usability. To prevent two different versions no further actions where done yet done (work in progress)since the beginning of 2014.
{{man warnmenu| This is a Please note: Gramps 4.2.x and newer only work with Python 3.2 or greater.}} There are some parts marked as:* "TODO ISSUE" because of known issues.* "TODO WORK" because it's not done yet done (work in progress). ==Windows operating system==* Win Vista: no information available* Win7.x: no special installations are known (all test done using Win7 Professional SP1 64bit German)* Win8.x: no information available* Win10.x: no information available* Win XP since April 8th 2014 is no longer supported by Microsoft and it is recommended you upgrade (How about upgrading to Linux :) )** If you would still like to use Win XP these additional installations are strongly required (all tests done using WinXP Home 32 bit German)*** SP3 ( <brcom/de-de/>Nobody guarantees anything at all!<brdownload/>Any comments and help confirmation.aspx?id=25129)*** "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)" (e on wiki pagesaspx?id=29)*** "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) are welcome" (}}aspx?id=5555)
Requirements from the Gramps []:
* Python 2.7 or greater, Python 3.2 or greater (python version cannot be mixed)
**We use: Python 2.7.3 6 32 bit from http (python-2.7.6.msi) for all examples assumed to be installed into "C:\Python27". **Comment: It's also possible to use Python 2.7.3 or 2.7.5 but always 32 bit (no experiences for 64 bit versions)**Comment: For Win7 user it's easier to don't not use "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." because for every change somewhere in this folder one has to activate the administrator's rights again and again.  ===PyGI AIO Package===With the help of an open source programmer we get this package (here again the authors personally thank for his good job supporting Gramps in this way - see there to know more about of his other work: * 19.01.2014: Download '''pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe''' or newer as a complete installer from:***The PyGI AIO Package includes the following libraries for Gramps that should be selected during the installation process (you may choose libraries other for additional usages):** gdk-pixbuf (version 2.30.2 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** libgexiv2 (version 0.7.0 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** goocanvas (version 2.0.2 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** gtk+ (version 3.10.6 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** gtkspell (version 3.0.3 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** osm-gps-map (version 1.0.1 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** pango (version 1.36.1 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)** webkitgtk (version 1.10.2 in pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe)* To run Gramps there is no need for pygi-aio's optionally provided developer tools.* Don't use the older GTK 3.8.6 (Select "No" as answer at the additional question dialogue!)* Deprecated versions before 15.12.2013 see history Comments (19.01.2014): * All gtk binaries are included in the pygi-aio installer package and correctly placed.* The pygi-aio package has no need for processors having an SSSE3 instruction set.
====Gtk, pyobject====
Requirements from README:
* GTK 3.0 8.7+ or greater
* pygobject 3.3.2 or greater
* cairo, pango, pangocairo with instrospection introspection bindings (the gi packages)
* librsvg2 (svg icon view)
* xdg-utils
Currently there are no official binaries available. With the help of an open source programmer we got this package (here again the authors personally thank for his good job supporting Gramps in this way - see there to know more about of his other work:
* pygi-aio- from as Python site-package
Comment: For all examples it's assumed that the included Gtk binaries will be stored into "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gtk" and it's also strongly assumed that this value will be added to the windows environment variable PATH!* and these patches:** patch from GdkPixbuf-2.0.typelib to be copied into "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gtk\lib\girepository-1.0"** patch from to be copied into "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gtk"** patch from to be copied into "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gtk" Checking the state of the pygi-aio package can be done confirmed by:* start starting Python (e. g.: C:\Python27>python)
* and than call the functions as follows. There should be the same results.
Python 2.7.3 6 (default, Apr Nov 10 20122013, 2319:3124:2618) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win 32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gi.repository import GObjectGtk
>>> Gtk.get_major_version()
>>> Gtk.get_minor_version()
>>> Gtk.get_micro_version()
>>> Gtk.get_micro_version()
>>> from gi.repository import GObject
>>> GObject.pygobject_version
(3, 410, 2)
====language-pack-gnome-xx====Requirements from README(*STRONGLY RECOMMENDED*):
* Translation of GTK elements to your language, with xx your language code eg for Dutch you need language-pack-gnome-nl. The translation of the Gramps strings is included with the source code.
The necessary package related to our GTK package will be provided also by the programmer of the GTK package (see above). * 19.01.2014: No further actions necessary, because this GTK package contains also these components.* Deprecated versions before 11.03.2013 see history ====osmgpsmap====Requirements from README (*STRONGLY RECOMMENDED*):* Used to show maps in the geography view. Without this the GeoView will not be active, see [[Gramps_4.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Categories#Geography_Category]]* The package is named osmgpsmap, osm-gps-map or python-osmgpsmap. Or obtain it from: (Comment: There is no direct download from this web page) ==> currently skippedosmgpsmap is an optional package even the README requires "strongly recommended". Add this package:* 19.01.2014: osmgpsmap is integrated part of the GTK package.
Comments: * If you don't have osmgpsmap there will be no message during the start-up of Gramps about a missing osmgpsmap. The only thing is the missing Geographic view in Gramps.* There is a warning from the provider of this package: "window resizing crashed". But it seems this doesn't happens for Gramps - may be in rare cases only. ====GExiv2====Is an optional package.19.01.2014: GExiv2 is integrated part of the GTK package.  Because the EditExifMetadata add-on isn't currently available this package is tested for reading exif data only using the "image metadata" gramplet. ====gtkspell=further Python packages===TODO WORKRequirements from README (optional package): Add * Enable spell checking in the missing packages having a usable notes. * Gtkspell depends on enchant. * A version of gtkspell with gobject introspection is needed, so minimally version3.0.0.All packages not list above  19.01.2014: The basics to use a spell are not tried to have defined results up todayalready included in the here used GTK package. This will be {{man warn| At least the job content of the next time pygi-aio-3.10.2-win32_rev15-setup.exe used by Gramps forces an crash if libenchant_voikko.dll is available!<br/>It is strongly requested to go ahead to add all these delete ...\Lib\site-packages\gnome\lib\enchant\libenchant_voikko.dll.}} Requirements The only missed things may be special myspell dictionaries (comment: Gramps uses myspell only!) . These can be found here:* from README download the language packages of your choice. Included in the there provided .oxt files one can extract by using a program like 7-Zip the necessary .aff and .dic files.* alternate [] The following packages are *STRONGLY RECOMMENDEDOr you may find these files (.aff and .dic) as part of any GrampsAIO installation in "..\share\enchant\myspell" For our example all files *.aff * .dic have to be installedstored into "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gnome\share\enchant\myspell".   osmgpsmap Used to show maps in the geography viewTODO ISSUE/WORK There are still some issues using spell (as per 019.01. 2014): Without this * Open the note editor having spell activated slows down the os extremely as longer as larger the GeoView will not be active, seetext. This may cost more than 45 seconds for a text having 400 lines and 17000 characters. So it's strongly suggested to don't global activate "Enable spelling checker" in Preferences! http* Up to Gramps 4.0.2 there is a spell related issue [ #7339] which has to be prevented by the there provided patch! ====Gramps_4.0_Wiki_Manual_gir-_Main_Window#Geography_Categorywebkit====Information from README: The package * GObject introspection data of WebKit is named osmgpsmaprequired for the hidden view 'Htmlview', osm-gps-mapwhich allows websites to be opened in Gramps. * Users can unhide the view in the plugin manager. * A html renderer must be installed to use the view. or python-osmgpsmap* !! PACKAGERS, Test if on your distribution webkit and Gramps is stable. Or If you obtain it crashes, patch src/plugins/view/ and src/plugins/view/, so as to remove: from gi.repository import WebKit as webkit  19.01.2014: Webkit is an integrated part of the GTK package. ====goocanvas====Information from README:* Required for the Graphview plugin 19.01.2014: It's is part of the current GTK package === Not Provided by GTK-AIO package === ====ICU/PyICU====Requirements fromREADME (*STRONGLY RECOMMENDED*): 19.01.2014: Download (This zip provides ICU/PyICU version 1.5 (for current version information see ) * Copy all files from\lib\site-gpspackages to "C:\Python27\Lib\site-mappackages"* Now we have to place the binaries from\bin to a folder found by Python / Gramps:** First Option: Somewhere on hard disc e.g. "C:\icu". In this case we have to add this path to the environment variable PATH.** Second Option: Into the same folder as python.exe. That's a good solution for a package, because we don't need any changes for the environment variable PATH. ''If you don't know, where to put dll (you get an "ImportError: DLL load failed" error), put a *.dll in a "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages" (without a bin subfolder).'' To check ICU/PyICU just try it in Python (don't forget the environment variable PATH): Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win 32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import icu >>> print icu.ICU_VERSION 50.1.2 >>> print icu.VERSION 1.5 Comment (19.01.2014): There are other unofficial PyICU versions available some where in the web. But be careful to use other than the one above. Unexpected issues may be caused. ====GraphViz ====Requirements from README (*STRONGLY RECOMMENDED*):* Enable creation of graphs using GraphViz engine. * Without this no beautiful graphs can be created. * Obtain it from: pyexiv2 Enables 19.01.2014: Following the information on we get the current package from For the examples we copy the complete content to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.36\". To give Gramps the access to this software we have to add the directory of the related binaries to the PATH environment variable. But to prevent trouble with the used dll versions between GraphViz and Gramps it's strongly recommended to manage Exif metadata embedded in youradd this at the end of PATH SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.30\bin\  media{{man warn| Using "Graph View" GraphViz 2. 34 or higher forces an error (#{{bug|7109}} Fixed in Gramps needs version 4.2.0). At #{{bug|7109}} you will find a patch to solve the issue for older versions of Gramps.<br>Without this patch and a still unsolved issue one should use graphviz- or greaterzip from handling is the same as above}} Obtain it from<br>Comments: GraphViz will be used e. g. for any report in Reports --> Graphs. Without GraphViz there is only one output format "Graphvi File". If all is OK there are several output formats available (e. g. "PDF (Graphviz)", "JPEG image" etc.). #{{bug|7109}} * alternate http://tilloyportableapps.netcom/devnode/38245 '''GVEdit (Graphviz) Portable''' ====pyexiv2===='''24.02.2013: Will not be used any more, replaced by [[Run_Gramps40_for_Windows_from_source_using_Python_2.7.3#GExiv2 |GExiv2]]''' ====ghostscript ghostview====Optional packages* From download the "Ghostscript GPL Release" for "Ghostscript 9.10 for Windows (32 bit)" and run the downloaded file gs910w32.exe. For the example we again use the default installation. ** Python / Gramps needs to know the folder where the binaries are stored (default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.10\bin") by defining the environment variable PATH. <code>SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.10\bin\</code>** As option it's possible to place the content of the binary folder (default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.10\bin") into the same folder as python.exe to prevent any changes of the environment variable PATH.* From download and run gsv50w32.exe (e. g. into the default install folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ghostgum).** Python / Gramps needs to know the folder where the binaries are stored (default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ghostgum\gsview") by defining the environment variable PATH.<br>Comment: This tool will be used to display .ps files as optional result of reports. So at least it's like e.g. any a .pdf viewer or .rtf viewer. It would be possible to include it into any Gramps package. But as normally nobody would include a .pdf viewer or .rtf viewer into a Gramps package I won't suggest to do that for a .ps viewer.** alternate
The following packages are ====rcs====Requirements from README (optionalpackage): gtkspell Enable spell checking in the notes* The [ GNU Revision Control System (RCS)] can be used to manage multiple revisions of your family trees. Gtkspell depends on enchant* See info at [[Gramps_4. A version of gtkspell with gobject introspection1_Wiki_Manual_-_Manage_Family_Trees#Archiving_a_Family_Tree]] * Only rcs is needed, so minimally version 3.0.0NO python bindings are required
rcs The GNU Revision Control System (RCS) can '''--> will not be used to manage''' multiple revisions of your family trees There is still the same issue as in Gramps 3. See info at 0.1 and later [ 3124]. Currently there is no special code like 'if win(): DON'T USE RCS'. It seems to be working but the reload from an archived database doesn't run.0_Wiki_Manual_-_Manage_Family_Trees#Archiving_a_Family_Tree Only Finally it doesn't matter to install rcs is needed, NO python bindings are required.
====PIL ====Requirements from README (optional package):* Python Image Library is needed to convert non jpg images to jpg so as to include them in LaTeX output
ttfFrom download PIL-freefont More font support in 1.1.7.win32-py2.7.exe. Run this installation to add PIL to the reportsused Python version.
gir* alternate: http://python-webkit GObject introspection data of WebKit is required for the hidden view 'Htmlview', which allows websites to be opened in Gramps. Users can unhide the view in the plugin manager. A html renderer must be installed to use the view. !! PACKAGERS, Test if on your distribution webkit and Gramps is stablepillow. If you obtain crashes, patch src/plugins/view/ and src/plugins/viewio/, so as to remove: from gi.repository import WebKit as webkit
goocanvas2====ttf-freefont====Information from README: Required for More font support in the Graphview pluginreports
07.03.2013 TODO WORK: clarify is it really necessary?How to use for the Windows environment. It's assumed that the fonts should be added to the Graphviz environment, but not yet tested.
==Debug Environment==
TODO WORK: description
===dependency viewer===TODO WORK: description ==Start Gramps 4.0.x==
===Get Gramps sources===
For all examples it's assumed that the Gramps source (e.g. from the GIT repository http or the .codetar.sfgz from from will be stored into "C:\Gramps4.0".
It's helpful to use a Subversion special client for Windows to get these sources. Also if one gets sources only such a tool provides the possibility of history search and or compare and also to mark differences between the current version on the computer and the repository.
There are good experiences using TortoiseSVN TortoiseGIT from
===Prepare Setup===
[Changed 03.12.2013]To run we need the translation tools from tool msgfmt.exe having a proper version. The installer for poedit ( Download gettext-) provides msgfmt.exe in version 0.1418.1.40.exe and run it to install Latest version of poedit available from
For all examples assumed we assume poedit to be installed to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\binPoedit" (The default path of the installer).
===Run Setup Build===
Here is an example batch file to run this:
<codepre> C: cd C:\Gramps4.0 set path=C:\Python27;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32Poedit\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Poedit\GettextTools\bin;%path% C:\Python27\python build pause </codepre
The result should look like this:
running build
Compiling po\zh_CN.po >> share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES.
running build_py
copying gramps\gen\ -> build\lib\gramps\gen
copying gramps\gui\glade\ -> build\lib\gramps\gui\glade
running build_scripts
creating build\scripts-2.7
copying and adjusting scripts\gramps -> build\scripts-2.7
Hit any key . . .
Possible exception:
* stops because of a missing "intltool-merge".
* assumes for Windows to have either non installed "intltools" or complete installed "intltools". In some rare situations it could be possible to have an incomplete installation of these tools. But because we don't need these tools to run Gramps itself it's necessary to edit in such cases: Insert "return (0, 0, 0)" direct behind "if sys.platform == 'win32':" in "def intltool_version():".
def intltool_version():
Return the version of intltool as a tuple.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
'''return (0, 0, 0)'''
cmd = ["perl", "-e print qx(intltool-update --version) =~ m/(\d+.\d+.\d+)/;"]
TODO ISSUE: Each work around to be removed if not necessary any more
* Currently there is an issue between setup19.01.2014: To get the license information within the Help-About dialogue one has to copy the file COPYING from the Gramps sources root ( and that's why we need manually changes in ""C:\Gramps4.0\) into the to be generated folder <grampsroot>\genbuild\constdata (, line 203 to 206: In all string paths for LOCALE_DIR , DATA_DIR, IMAGE_DIR, DOC_DIR replace 'C:\Gramps4.0\build\data). ===Overall appearance===A short description ' by How to control the general view of Gramps using GTK themes':* For our example theme packages have to be stored in "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gnome\share\themes". Per default with the here used GTK package there are three packages available:** Adwaita** Bluebird** Default** Emacs** Evolve** Greybird** HighContrast** Orion To select one of these themes one has to manipulate the a special settings.ini file. For our example it's placed there:* C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gnome\etc\gtk-3.0\settings.ini* As described This example for settings.ini defines the theme "Adwaita" and the font "Segoe UI" having the font size 10:  [Settings] gtk-theme-name = HighContrast gtk-font-name = Segoe UI 10 More information and links regarding GTK3 themes may be found in issue 6429 [httpthe web (e.g.] there is a work around to have the drop down menu for gramplets in the side and bottom bar working./GNOME#Overall_appearance)
===Start Gramps===
At this point we have a basically running Gramps.
Because we didn't add all packages suggested by the README we didn't have the full functionality. Especially some output formats and the geographic view are not available yet (TODO WORK: Add the missing packages having a usable version.)
Because For Gramps 4.0 is still under 1 development there are may still several be issues and crashes etc (see bug tracker: It's strongly recommended to use test data for validation only!
To run Gramps a batch seems to be helpful:
<codepre>set LANG=de_DE @rem may be some time we need an other language@rem set LANG=en_GBde_DE SET LANGUAGE@rem it's a good idea to have a own GRAMPSHOMEset GRAMPSHOME=en_GBC:\Gramps40@rem we need the path of the Gtk binariesset path=C:\Goocanvas;C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.10\bin;C:\icu;%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.36\bin @rem let's jump to Python binariesC:cd C:\Python27
@rem may be some time we need an other languagecall for all version information (e.g. as background for any issue) @rem set LANG=de @rem SET LANGUAGE=depython "C:\Gramps4.0\" -v
@rem itlet's a good idea to have a own GRAMPSHOMEstart Gramps set GRAMPSHOME=python "C:\Gramps_testGramps4.0\" @rem we need pause</pre> "Gramps -v" should show this information now if one uses the path of the Gtk binariesgramps-4.0.2.tar.gz from set path=CGramps Settings:\Python27\lib\site ----------------packages\ python : 2.7.6 gramps : 4.0.2 gtk;%path%++ : 3.10.6 pygobject : 3.10.2 pango : 1.36.1 Not using bsddb3 bsddb : 5.3.0 bsddb.db : 4.7.25 cairo : 1.12.16 pycairo : 1.10.0 osmgpsmap : 1.0 GExiv2 : 0.4 ICU : 50.1.2 PyICU : 1.5 o.s. : win32
@rem let's jump to Python binariesEnvironment settings: --------------------- LANG : de_DE.UTF-8 LANGUAGE : de_DE GRAMPSI18N: not set GRAMPSHOME: C:\Gramps40 GRAMPSDIR : not set PYTHONPATH: C:\Python27\ C:\Python27\DLLs cd C:\Python27\lib C:\Python27\lib\plat-win C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk C:\Python27 C:\Python27\lib\site-packages C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PIL
@rem call for all version information (e.g. as background for any issue)Non-python dependencies: ------------------------ Graphviz python "C:\Gramps42.0\gramps36 Ghostscr. :" -v10
@rem let's start GrampsSystem PATH env variable: python "------------------------- C:\Gramps4Goocanvas C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.010\grampsbin C:\icu" pause ==Known Major Issues==As known per 2013-12-16* GraphViz 2.34 and later causes an error in Graph View:<strike>see {{bug|7277}} for more details</codestrike>('''It's solved with the AIO for Gramps 4.1.1''')* no Django* [[Run_Gramps40_for_Windows_from_source_using_Python_2.7.3#gtkspell |gtkspell]]:** Opening the note editor having spell activated or activating the spell within the note editor blocks Python / the application for a while (as longer as larger the text). Therefore it's suggested to deactivate the spell checker in Preferences. But it's the same if one toggles this feature or changes the spell language interactive using the right mouse context menu in the Note Editor.** The spell settings will not be stored.* The [[Run_Gramps40_for_Windows_from_source_using_Python_2.7.3#osmgpsmap |Geographic view]] and other gtk parts may generate warnings without any other known effect* WinXP (26.12.13): see information [[Run_Gramps40_for_Windows_from_source_using_Python_2.7.3#Windows_operating_system |above]] ==See also==*[[GEPS 029: GTK3-GObject introspection Conversion]]*[[GrampsAIO-4 package updating]]*[[Gramps for Windows with MSYS2]] [[Category:GEPS|W]][[Category:Developers/General]]

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