Plugins Command Line
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Available options to use from the command line for reports and tools.
In general the process of learning about a command line option is easy.
First, learn the name of all the reports or tools:
gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a report gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a tool
Second, learn all the options of the particular report or tool.
gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a report -p name=a_report,show=all gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a tool -p name=a_tool,show=all
Third, learn what a particular option is.
gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a report -p name=a_report,show=some_option gramps -O "My Family Tree" -a tool -p name=a_tool,show=some_option
See Command Line for more information.
- 1 Reports
- 1.1 Common Options
- 1.2 Records Report
- 1.3 Common Options
- 1.4 Narrated Web Site
- 1.5 Family Lines Graph
- 1.6 Relationship Graph
- 1.7 Hourglass Graph
- 1.8 Detailed Ancestral Report
- 1.9 Marker Report
- 1.10 Family Group Report
- 1.11 Descendant Report
- 1.12 Kinship Report
- 1.13 Detailed Descendant Report
- 1.14 Database Summary Report
- 1.15 Number of Ancestors Report
- 1.16 Ahnentafel Report
- 1.17 Birthday and Anniversary Report
- 1.18 End of Line Report
- 1.19 Complete Individual Report
- 1.20 Place Report
- 1.21 Descendant Tree
- 1.22 Ancestor Tree
- 1.23 Fan Chart
- 1.24 Statistics Charts
- 1.25 Calendar
- 1.26 Timeline Chart
- 2 Tools
- 2.1 Common Options
- 2.2 Check and Repair Database
- 2.3 Rebuild Reference Maps
- 2.4 Check Localized Date Displayer and Parser
- 2.5 Rename Event Types
- 2.6 Dump Gender Statistics
- 2.7 Generate Testcases for Persons and Families
- 2.8 Verify the Data
- 2.9 Rebuild Secondary Indices
- 2.10 Generate Commandline Plugin Reference
- 2.11 Reorder Gramps IDs
Common Options
- pid:
The center person for the filter
I18 Smith, John Hjalmar
- callname:
0 Don't use call name
1 Replace first name with call name
2 Underline call name in first name / add call name to first name
- person_youngestmarried:
0 no
1 yes
- person_youngestdivorced:
0 no
1 yes
- style: =name
Style name.
Value: '
- family_youngestmarried:
0 no
1 yes
- person_oldestmother:
0 no
1 yes
- papero: =num
Paper orientation number.
Value: '
- person_oldestdivorced:
0 no
1 yes
- person_youngestfather:
0 no
1 yes
- template: =name
Template name (HTML only).
Value: '
- papers: =name
Paper size name.
Value: '
- person_youngestliving:
0 no
1 yes
- family_longest:
0 no
1 yes
- person_oldestliving:
0 no
1 yes
- person_oldestfather:
0 no
1 yes
- family_mostchildren:
0 no
1 yes
- family_oldestmarried:
0 no
1 yes
- person_oldestmarried:
0 no
1 yes
- off: =format
Output file format.
Value: '
- of: =filename
Output file name. MANDATORY
Value: '
- person_oldestdied:
0 no
1 yes
- person_youngestmother:
0 no
1 yes
- filter:
Determines what people are included in the report
0 Entire Database
1 Descendants of Smith, Edwin Michael
2 Descendant Families of Smith, Edwin Michael
3 Ancestors of Smith, Edwin Michael
4 People with common ancestor with Smith, Edwin Michael
- family_shortest:
0 no
1 yes
- person_youngestdied:
0 no
1 yes
Records Report
- name:
- family_longest:
- family_youngestmarried:
- family_mostchildren:
- person_oldestmother:
- person_oldestmarried:
- person_oldestdivorced:
- person_oldestfather:
- person_oldestdied:
- person_youngestmother:
- filter:
Determines what people are included in the report
- person_youngestfather:
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- person_oldestliving:
- person_youngestliving:
- callname:
- family_shortest:
- person_youngestdivorced:
- person_youngestmarried:
- family_oldestmarried:
- person_youngestdied:
Common Options
- bookname: =name
Name of the book. MANDATORY
Narrated Web Site
- name:
- encoding:
The encoding to be used for the web files
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- archive:
Whether to store the web pages in an archive file
- living:
How to handle living people
- graphgens:
The number of generations to include in the ancestor graph
- title:
The title of the web site
- incpriv:
Whether to include private objects
- graph:
Whether to include an ancestor graph on each individual page
- footernote:
A note to be used as the page footer
- yearsafterdeath:
This allows you to restrict information on people who have not been dead for very long
- nogid:
Whether to include the Gramps ID of objects
- contactnote:
A note to be used as the publisher contact
- showbirth:
Whether to include a birth column
- cright:
The copyright to be used for the web files
- css:
The stylesheet to be used for the web page
- incdownload:
Whether to include a database download option
- showparents:
Whether to include a parents column
- showdeath:
Whether to include a death column
- homenote:
A note to be used on the home page
- showspouse:
Whether to include a partners column
- headernote:
A note to be used as the page header
- showhalfsiblings:
Whether to include half and/ or step-siblings with the parents and siblings
- gallery:
Whether to include a gallery of media objects
- homeimg:
An image to be used on the home page
- webcal_link:
Choose your link to Web Calendars if you want?
- linkhome:
Whether to include a link to the home person
- introimg:
An image to be used as the introduction
- filter:
Select filter to restrict people that appear on web site
- ext:
The extension to be used for the web files
- intronote:
A note to be used as the introduction
- target:
The destination directory for the web files
- contactimg:
An image to be used as the publisher contact
Family Lines Graph
- name:
- color:
Males will be shown with blue, females with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with gray.
- surnamecolors:
Colours to use for various family lines.
- incplaces:
Whether to include placenames for people and families.
- usesubgraphs:
Subgraphs can help GraphViz position certain linked nodes closer together, but with non-trivial graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs.
- justyears:
Prints just dates' year, neither month or day nor date approximation or interval are shown.
- limitparents:
The maximum number of ancestors to include.
- colorunknown:
The colour to use when the gender is unknown.
- colorfemales:
The colour to use to display women.
- gidlist:
People of interest are used as a starting point when determining "family lines".
- followchild:
Children will be considered when determining "family lines".
- incprivate:
Whether to include names, dates, and families that are marked as private.
- followpar:
Parents and their ancestors will be considered when determining "family lines".
- incdates:
Whether to include dates for people and families.
- colorfamilies:
The colour to use to display families.
- maxparents:
The maximum number of ancestors to include.
- limitchildren:
The maximum number of children to include.
- imageonside:
Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name
- useroundedcorners:
Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men.
- removeextra:
People and families not directly related to people of interest will be removed when determining "family lines".
- maxchildren:
The maximum number of children to include.
- incimages:
The maximum number of children to include.
- incchildcnt:
Whether to include the number of children for families with more than 1 child.
- colormales:
The colour to use to display men.
Relationship Graph
- name:
- filter:
Determines what people are included in the graph
- use_place:
When no birth, marriage, or death date is available, the correspondent place field will be used.
- incid:
Include individual and family IDs.
- imageOnTheSide:
Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name
- justyears:
Prints just dates' year, neither month or day nor date approximation or interval are shown.
- color:
Males will be shown with blue, females with red. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with gray.
- colorunknown:
The colour to use when the gender is unknown.
- incdate:
Include the dates that the individual was born, got married and/or died in the graph labels.
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- includeImages:
Whether to include thumbnails of people.
- colorfamilies:
The colour to use to display families.
- url:
Include a URL in each graph node so that PDF and imagemap files can be generated that contain active links to the files generated by the 'Narrated Web Site' report.
- arrow:
Choose the direction that the arrows point.
- dashed:
Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph.
- colorfemales:
The colour to use to display women.
- colormales:
The colour to use to display men.
- showfamily:
Families will show up as ellipses, linked to parents and children.
- useroundedcorners:
Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men.
Hourglass Graph
- name:
- color:
Males will be shown with blue, females with red. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with gray.
- maxascend:
The number of generations of ancestors to include in the graph
- roundcorners:
Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men.
- pid:
The Center person for the graph
- maxdescend:
The number of generations of descendants to include in the graph
Detailed Ancestral Report
- name:
- repdate:
Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks.
- verbose:
Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language.
- usecall:
Whether to use the call name as the first name.
- incsources:
Whether to include source references.
- incattrs:
Whether to include attributes.
- pid:
The center person for the report
- pagebbg:
Whether to start a new page after each generation.
- incaddresses:
Whether to include addresses.
- incphotos:
Whether to include images.
- desref:
Whether to add descendant references in child list.
- computeage:
Whether to compute age.
- fulldates:
Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
- incnames:
Whether to include other names.
- repplace:
Whether to replace missing Places with blanks.
- incevents:
Whether to include events.
- incnotes:
Whether to include notes.
- omitda:
Whether to omit duplicate ancestors.
- gen:
The number of generations to include in the report
- listc:
Whether to list children.
Marker Report
- name:
- marker:
The marker to use for the report
Family Group Report
- name:
- incParAddr:
Whether to include addresses for parents.
- incParNames:
Whether to include alternate names for parents.
- recursive:
Create reports for all descendants of this family.
- incChiMar:
Whether to include marriage information for children.
- incRelDates:
Whether to include dates for relatives (father, mother, spouse).
- missinginfo:
Whether to include fields for missing information.
- family_id:
The center family for the report
- incParEvents:
Whether to include events for parents.
- incParMar:
Whether to include marriage information for parents.
- incParNotes:
Whether to include notes for parents.
- incattrs:
Whether to include attributes.
- generations:
Whether to include the generation on each report (recursive only).
Descendant Report
- name:
- pid:
The center person for the report
- gen:
The number of generations to include in the report
Kinship Report
- name:
- inccousins:
Whether to include cousins
- pid:
The center person for the report
- maxdescend:
The maximum number of descendant generations
- maxascend:
The maximum number of ancestor generations
- incaunts:
Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces
- incspouses:
Whether to include spouses
Detailed Descendant Report
- name:
- repdate:
Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks.
- pagebbg:
Whether to start a new page after each generation.
- verbose:
Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language.
- usecall:
Whether to use the call name as the first name.
- incsources:
Whether to include source references.
- incattrs:
Whether to include attributes.
- incmates:
Whether to include detailed spouse information.
- pid:
The center person for the report
- incaddresses:
Whether to include addresses.
- incphotos:
Whether to include images.
- desref:
Whether to add descendant references in child list.
- computeage:
Whether to compute age.
- fulldates:
Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
- incnames:
Whether to include other names.
- repplace:
Whether to replace missing Places with blanks.
- incevents:
Whether to include events.
- record_num:
Whether to use Record-style numbering instead of Henry-style.
- incnotes:
Whether to include notes.
- omitda:
Whether to omit duplicate ancestors.
- gen:
The number of generations to include in the report
- listc:
Whether to list children.
Database Summary Report
- name:
Number of Ancestors Report
- name:
- pid:
The center person for the report
Ahnentafel Report
- name:
- maxgen:
The number of generations to include in the report
- pagebbg:
Whether to start a new page after each generation.
- pid:
The center person for the report
- namebrk:
Indicates if a line break should follow the name.
Birthday and Anniversary Report
- name:
- relationships:
Include relationships to center person (slower)
- filter:
Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar
- anniversaries:
Include anniversaries in the calendar
- start_dow:
Select the first day of the week for the calendar
- name_format:
Select the format to display names
- maiden_name:
Select married women's displayed surname
- country:
Select the country to see associated holidays
- birthdays:
Include birthdays in the calendar
- pid:
The center person for the report
- alive:
Include only living people in the calendar
- text2:
Second line of text at bottom of calendar
- text3:
Third line of text at bottom of calendar
- text1:
First line of text at bottom of calendar
- year:
Year of calendar
- titletext:
Title of calendar
End of Line Report
- name:
- pid:
The center person for the report
Complete Individual Report
- name:
- filter:
Select the filter to be applied to the report
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- cites:
Whether to cite sources.
Place Report
- name:
- filter:
Select places using a filter
- places:
List of places to report on
Descendant Tree
- name:
- maxgen:
The number of generations to include in the tree
- singlep:
Whether to scale to fit on a single page.
- pid:
The center person for the tree
- incblank:
Whether to include pages that are blank.
- dispf:
Display format for the outputbox.
- shows:
Whether to show spouses in the tree.
Ancestor Tree
- name:
- maxgen:
The number of generations to include in the tree
- pid:
The center person for the tree
- singlep:
Whether to scale to fit on a single page.
- compress:
Whether to compress the tree.
- incblank:
Whether to include pages that are blank.
- dispf:
Display format for the outputbox.
Fan Chart
- name:
- maxgen:
The number of generations to include in the report
- pid:
The center person for the report
- circle:
The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, or quarter circle.
- background:
Background color is either white or generation dependent
- radial:
Print radial texts upright or roundabout
Statistics Charts
- name:
- data_sname:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_age:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_ccount:
Include charts with indicated data
- bar_items:
With fewer items pie chart and legend will be used instead of a bar chart.
- data_byear:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_etypes:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_dmonth:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_mage:
Include charts with indicated data
- year_from:
Birth year from which to include people
- data_mcount:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_title:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_bmonth:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_fname:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_dplace:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_fchild:
Include charts with indicated data
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- data_lchild:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_dage:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_mplace:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_dyear:
Include charts with indicated data
- data_bplace:
Include charts with indicated data
- reverse:
Check to reverse the sorting order.
- gender:
Select which genders are included into statistics.
- filter:
Determines what people are included in the report
- no_years:
Whether to include people without known birth years
- sortby:
Select how the statistical data is sorted.
- year_to:
Birth year until which to include people
- data_gender:
Include charts with indicated data
- name:
- filter:
Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar
- anniversaries:
Include anniversaries in the calendar
- start_dow:
Select the first day of the week for the calendar
- name_format:
Select the format to display names
- maiden_name:
Select married women's displayed surname
- country:
Select the country to see associated holidays
- birthdays:
Include birthdays in the calendar
- pid:
The center person for the report
- alive:
Include only living people in the calendar
- text2:
Second line of text at bottom of calendar
- text3:
Third line of text at bottom of calendar
- text1:
First line of text at bottom of calendar
- year:
Year of calendar
Timeline Chart
- name:
- filter:
Determines what people are included in the report
- calendar:
The calendar which determines the year span
- pid:
The center person for the filter
- sortby:
Sorting method to use
Common Options
- id: =ID
Gramps ID of a central person.
I4 Smith, Ingeman
I18 Smith, John Hjalmar
I38 Hansdotter, Kerstina
I39 Smith, Martin
I28 Streiffert, Anna
I40 Smith, Marjorie Alice
I22 Smith, Martin
I11 Smith, Hanna
I41 Green, Janis Elaine
I15 Smith, Gus
I8 Smith, Hjalmar
I3 Smith, Magnes
I5 Smith, Mason Michael
I10 Smith, Hans Peter
I24 Smith, Gustaf Sr.
I20 Smith, Carl Emil
I17 Jones, Lillie Harriet
I23 Smith, Astrid Shermanna Augusta
I1 Smith, Keith Lloyd
I37 Smith, Edwin Michael
I19 Smith, Eric Lloyd
I25 Ericsdotter, Marta
I29 Smith, Craig Peter
I2 Smith, Amber Marie
I33 Smith, Lloyd
I32 Horne, Darcy
I26 Smith, Kirsti Marie
I35 Smith, Lars Peter
I30 Adams, Janice Ann
I0 Hansdotter, Anna
I31 Ohman, Marjorie
I12 Nielsen, Herman Julius
I9 Smith, Emil
I27 Smith, Ingeman
I36 Jefferson, Elna
I21 Smith, Hjalmar
I34 Perkins, Alice Paula
I14 Smith, Marjorie Lee
I7 Smith, Ingar
I6 Willard, Edwin
I16 Anderson, Jennifer
I13 Michaels, Evelyn
Check and Repair Database
- name:
Rebuild Reference Maps
- name:
Check Localized Date Displayer and Parser
- name:
Rename Event Types
- name:
- fromtype: =str
Type of events to replace
Value: Event type string
- totype: =str
New type replacing the old one
Value: Event type string
Dump Gender Statistics
- name:
Generate Testcases for Persons and Families
Generates a (seeded) randomized tree to allow specific error conditions to be tested. The issues it generates can be corrected via the 'Check and Repair Database' tool.
- name:
- add_linebreak: =0/1
Whether to add a line break to every text field- No linebreak
- Add line break
- person_count: =int
Number of dummy persons to generate- Value: Number of persons
- no_trans: =0/1
Whether to use one transaction or multiple small ones- One transaction
- Multiple transactions
- long_names: =0/1
Whether to create short or long names- Short names
- Long names
- bugs: =0/1
Whether to create invalid database references.- Skip test
- Create invalid Database references
- persons: =0/1
Whether to create a bunch of dummy persons- Don't create persons
- Create dummy persons
- add_serial: =0/1
Whether to add a serial number to every text field- No serial
- Add serial number
- specialchars: =0/1
Whether to add some special characters to every text field- No special characters
- Add special characters
Verify the Data
- name:
- lngwdw: =num
Maximum number of consecutive years of widowhood before next marriage
Value: Number of years
- mxchildmom: =num
Maximum number of children for a woman
Value: Number of children
- wedder: =num
Maximum number of spouses for a person
Value: Number of spouses
- oldunm: =num
Maximum age for an unmarried personNumber of years
- mxchilddad: =num
Maximum number of children for a man
Value: Number of chidlren
- estimate_age: =0/1
Whether to estimate missing dates
Do not estimate
Estimate dates
- yngmar: =num
Minimum age to marry
Value: Age in years
- oldmar: =num
Maximum age to marry
Value: Age in years
- cbspan: =num
Maximum span of years for all children
Value: Span in years
- oldage: =num
Maximum age
Value: Age in years
- olddad: =num
Maximum age to father a child
Value: Age in years
- hwdif: =num
Maximum husband-wife age difference
Value: Age difference in years
- invdate: =0/1
Whether to check for invalid datesDo not identify invalid dates
Value: Identify invalid dates
- yngmom: =num
Minimum age to bear a child
Value: Age in years
- yngdad: =num
Minimum age to father a child
Value: Age in years
- oldmom: =num
Maximum age to bear a child
Value: Age in years
- cspace: =num
Maximum number of years between children
Value: Number of years
Rebuild Secondary Indices
- name:
Generate Commandline Plugin Reference
- name:
- include: =0/1
Whether to include into the manual
Do not include
- target: =str
Pathname to the target file
Value: Any valid pathname
Reorder Gramps IDs
- name: