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Dit deel beschrijft de verschillende verslagen die beschikbaar zijn in GRAMPS.

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Web Site

fig. 8.40 Individuele lijstpagina in stijl Mainz

Eén van de verslagen in deze categorie is het 'Narrated Website'-verslag. Dit verslag maakt een webstek aan. Dit is een verzameling van met elkaar verbonden webpagina's. Elke pagina verwijst naar een geselecteerde persoon.


GRAMPS 2.0.6 was de start van de webstek generator. Het GRAMPS 3.3 'Narrated Website'-verslag biedt verbeterde functionaliteit, ondersteuning van de webstandaarden en bijkomende mogelijkheden. Het nieuwe verslag maakt pagina's aan die voldoen aan de WWC richtlijnen. ’ Recommendations for XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 1. Deze aanbevelingen maken een onderscheid tussen inhoud en presentatie. Daarom kunnen de stijl en het uitzicht van de aangemaakte webpagina's volledig gecontroleerd worden met behulp van één CSS-stijlblad-bestand. Zo hoeven de afzonderlijke pagina's niet aangepast te worden.

Nu wordt er meer informatie gegeven over elke persoon smen met informatie over bronnen, locaties en media-objecten. Inleidingspagina's kunnen toegevoegd worden die bijkomende informatie verschaffen, zoals bijvoorbeeld een familieschiedenis.

Genealogische gegevens kunnen een hoop bestanden aanmaken. Vele webservers hebben een probleem om een groot aantal bestanden in een enkele map te verwerken. Het verslag tracht dan ook om het aantal bestanden per map te beperken tot een werkbaar niveau. Om dit mogelijk te maken wordt een hierarchie van mappen opgesteld. De aangemaakte bestandsnamen zijn niet makkelijk te begrijpen, maar zijn wel uniek voor één persoon. Indien het verslag verscheidene keren wordt gelopen, worden toch steeds dezelfde bestandnamen aangemaakt. Dit maakt het actualiseren van bepaalde bestanden eenvoudig.

If you have trouble transfering the files to an external web host, you can create a single gzip'd tar file to more easily upload the data. (Please use this method if you would like to use the GRAMPS web hosting site.)

To select the gzip'd tar file, select the Store web pages in .tar.gz archive option.

Using the Report

The Narrated Web Site report provides the user with options that allow a wide range of customization. You can run this report via the menu Reports-->Web Pages-->Narrated Web Site....

The Narrated Web Site report dialog window Narrated Web Site has four tabs: Report Options, Page Generation, Privacy and Advanced. Each of those tabs are reviewed below.

Entire Database

Be aware that if you select your entire database as a filter a large number of files will be generated (depending on the size of your database). It is recommended to start with a filter (for example: ancestors of a certain person) to simplify the output while you learn about the plugin.

Report Options

Fig. 8.41 Individual Detail Page in Nebraska Style
Store web pages in .tar.gz archive
The large number of files and directories in this web output may make it difficult to transfer the files to an external web host. GRAMPS has the capability of saving all of your Narrative Web files in one compressed archive using the gzip and tar formats (casually known as a ‘tarball’). This single file can quickly be transferred to your server. Unfortunately not all web servers support saving web files in this way, so contact your hosting provider for more information.
The free genealogy site hosting provided by the GRAMPS organization will only accept your files in a compressed archive. Learn more about free genealogy site hosting here: http://library.gramps-project.org
The output of the Narrative Web report is by default saved here /yourhomedirectory/NAVWEB. This option allows you to save your report output to a destination of your choice.
Like the previous web page generator and other GRAMPS reports, you can control what is included in the output by choosing a filter. Several default filters are provided for you, but custom filters can be made for your specific needs. Learn more about custom filters here: Filter.

Any person matching this filter who is not excluded due to the privacy rules, will be included in the output. The default filter includes all people in the database.

Filter Person
This option is inactive if the primary Filter option is set to ‘Entire Database’. Filters are generally subject to how one specific individual relates to other individuals. This option allows you to specify the primary individual. Use the Edit button to select any individual in your database.
Web site title
The default site title value is My Family Tree. You can enter a custom site title in this option.
File extension
The file extension to be used for the web files. Choose between the .html default value, .htm, .shtml, .php, .php3, or .cgi.
When creating a public a web site it is important to specify the copyright conditions under which you are publishing your data. International copyright law reserves all rights of your data to your discretion. You own the data and individuals must have your permission if they wish to reuse that data. In genealogical research sharing data with other researchers is a common practice. By default the Narrative Web report uses an All Rights Reserved copyright. Other options include the Creative Commons licenses, offering a wide range of use restrictions or none at all. Learn more about the Creative Commons at http://creativecommons.org/
Character set encoding
GRAMPS is an international application developed with multiple languages and translations in mind. Because of this the default character set for HTML pages is UTF-8, which supports a wide range of international characters and symbols. From the drop down menu list you can select from a variety of ISO-8859- encoding sets or even a koi8_r encoding set. There is support for virtually all popular character set encodings. If you are having problems with character presentation in your web pages it could be a matter of selecting a compatible character set encoding for your web server environment.
Fig. 8.42 Basic Style - 5 Color Choices
GRAMPS provides seven built in style sheets for you to choose from to determine the appearance or your web pages. In GRAMPS 3.3 you can choose between Basic (Ash, Cypress, Lilac, Peach or Spruce color schemes), Mainz, or Nebraska styles. There is also the option of not including a stylesheet (No style sheet). Regardless of the style you choose, the style sheet file name is narrative.css. You may edit this file to further customize the appearance of your web pages.
If you make modifications to your style sheet be aware that regenerating your pages with the same output destination will overwrite your custom style sheet. To preserve your custom style sheet through subsequent web page updates select No style sheet.
figures c.1, c.2 and c.3 are examples of the styles currently included with GRAMPS 3.3
Include ancestor graph
Checking this box will include an ancestor graph on each individual’s detail page if they have defined ancestors in your database.
Graph generations
This option is inactive if the "Include ancestor graph" option is not checked. The default number of generations shown in the ancestor graphs is 4 with options of 2, 3, 4 or 5.
The individuals represented in the ancestor graphs are the same individuals whose information is provided elsewhere in your web pages.
Generating Pages...

If you hit the OK button, the generation of the web pages will start. So first check all options on the other tabs: Page generation, Privacy, and Advanced.

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