Latin words and expressions/A
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Translation mangled The English and Netherlands versions of this page are not correctly separated. The resulting Latin dictionary is a mishmash of both. See 11608 |
Latin words and expressions starting with the letter A.
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(Not all alphabetical pages have English meanings shown)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - @ - * |
- A.C.
- anno Christi
- A.D.
- anno Domini
- aet.
- aetatis
- a.m.
- ante meridiem
- ampl.
- amplissima/..simus
- a.u.s.
- actum ut supra
- a,ab
- of, from
- abamita
- sister of the second great grandfatherm sometimes also of great grandfather or from the grandfather
- abavia
- second great grandmother
- abavunculus
- brother of the second great grandmother, the great grandmother or the grandmother
- abavus,abavia
- betovergrootvader, betovergrootmoeder (alg.):voorouder, voorzaat, voorvader, voormoeder
- abba(s),abbatis
- abt
- abbatia
- abbey
- abbatiola
- small abbey
- abbati(ss)a
- abdis (abbess)
- ablutus
- cleansed (by baptize)
- abernarius faber
- person mending pots, kettles,...
- ab hoc et hab ac
- talking without making sense
- abiit
- he/she has left
- ab infantia
- since his childhood
- ab intestato
- with death without leaving a will
- abjectarius
- timmerman, carpenter, woodcarver
- abmateria
- sister of the second great grandmother
- abnepos
- son of the great grandson
- abnepotes
- descendants
- abneptis
- daughter of great grandson
- abnurus
- vrouw van de achterkleinzoon
- ab obstetrice baptisatus est
- he/she is baptized by the midwife
- abpatruus
- brother of the second great grandfather
- abortivus, abortius
- premature child
- abovius
- second great grandfather
- abreptus
- taken away
- abrogatio
- withdrawal/annihilation of the law
- absente corpore
- funeral service without corpse
- absente corpus
- funeral service without corpse
- absoluta munitus
- having obtained absolution
- absoluta et extrema unctione munitus
- having obtained absolution and holy oils
- absolutio
- absolution
- absque
- without
- absque dubio
- without doubt
- abuepas
- son of the great grandson
- abueptis
- daughter of the great grandson
- ac
- and
- acatholicus
- not catholic
- accepto
- receive, accept
- accepto necessitatis baptismo ab obstetrice
- after receiving the emergency baptize by the midwife, due to the necessity of receiving the baptize by the midwife
- accijns
- tax on consummer goods
- accisor
- person who receives the direct taxes
- aciscularius
- mason, stonecutter, stonemason
- actionarius
- trader, shopkeeper
- actis bannis
- after the marriage calls
- actuarius
- company leader, clerc
- actum
- has come to pass
- actum ut supra
- date as before, on the date as mentioned at the top of the act
- acuarius
- needle maker
- acuciator
- sharpener of knifes
- acufex
- maker of needles
- acuminator
- sharpener of knifes
- acupictor
- weaver, lace worker
- an aeternitatem trans(abiit)
- has gone to eternity
- adamita
- sister of the second great grandfather
- adavunculus
- brother of the second great grandfather
- ad-census
- belasting op de verbruiksgoederen
- ad hunc actum requisitus
- called up for making these acts, asked to make these acts
- adinstar
- as big, resembling
- adjudicare
- assign by public sale, assignment
- admatertera
- sister of second great grandmother
- ad matrimonium inscripti
- subscribed for the marriage/wedding
- administratis sacramentis
- given the sacrements (normally before dying)
- administratus
- given, applied
- admodum
- very
- admodum reverendus
- (title) referend
- adnepos
- son of great grandson
- adolescens
- youngling, young man, young daughter(between 15-30 years), (adv.) unmarried/without husband
- adolescentie
- young people
- adolescentula
- jong meisje, maagd
- adolescentulus
- jongetje, knaapje
- ad Patres
- naar de vaderen gegaan, naar het dodenrijk gegaan
- adpatruus
- brother of the second great grandfather
- adpendere
- with everything that belongs to it
- ad perpetuam memoriam
- in everlasting memory
- adscriptum glebae
- slave, counted together with the soil (gleba is earth)
- ad solemnizationem hujus actus requisitis
- asked to create these acts
- adsti-tit
- was present
- ad tempus
- temporary
- ad tempus vitae
- lifelong
- adulescens
- youngling, young daughter (15-30 years), (adv)unmarried/without husband
- adulescentula
- young girl, virgin
- adulescentulus
- very young boy
- adulescentulo
- small boy just out of childhood
- adulta, adultus
- 1. adult
- 2. (adv.) growing up, very adult-like
- adulta virgo
- adult young girl
- adulter
- adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.);
- adulterio natus
- born out of adultery
- adulterium
- adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination;
- adumbrator
- portraitist, person who makes drawings
- ad valorem
- corresponding to the value
- advenae, advenus
- of a stranger
- adventivus
- bride price, bride wealth;given by somebody else than the father
- ad verbum
- word for word, literally
- ad vitam
- lifelong, for live (interests)
- advocatus
- advokaat
- ad vocem
- to be found with the word, look up for the word
- aedile
- commissioner (magistrate) of police/fire/markets/games; sacristan
- aedilis
- master of the church, sacristan
- aedituus
- sexton, church guardian, church officer charged with the maintenance of the church buildings/money; also teacher of christian belief
- aegridtudine quadam
- by one or the other disease
- aegrota,aegrotus
- ill
- aegrota per ... dies
- after an illness of .... days
- aegrotavit
- has been sick
- aegrotus
- sick
- aegrum
- sick, weak
- aequali gradu
- in equal degree of blood or kinmanship
- aequalis
- equal
- aerarius
- coppersmith, copperbuyer; treasurer, financial manager
- aerenculus
- uncle
- aerenculus magnus
- brother of grandmother
- aeres
- grandfather
- aeres maternus
- grandfather (mothers side)
- aeres paternus
- grandfather (fathers side)
- aetas
- age
- aetatis
- old, having the age of ...
- aetatis annorum
- years
- aetatis dierum
- days
- aetatis hebdomadorum
- weeks
- aetatis horarem
- hours
- aetatis mensium
- months
- aetatis septimanarum
- weeks
- aetatis provectae
- elderly age
- aetatis suae ...
- in the age of ...
- affidati
- fiances; undermarriage
- affines
- relatives (wifes family)
- affinis
- marriage with a childless widow of the brother; (gen.) related, married into the family
- affinitas, affinitatis
- kinship due to marriage; related
- ager
- field
- agere
- do, act
- agere (porcos)
- tending pigs
- ager novalis
- unused field; plowed land left without buildings
- agicessatio
- fallow, left unplanted for a season
- agnata
- kinmanship (by blood) from mothers side
- agnatio
- kinmanship (by blood) from fathers side
- agnatus
- kinmanship in male lineage, related on fathers side
- agnitio
- recognition (of an unlawfull child)
- agnomen
- nickname
- agrarius
- farmer, countryman, peasant
- agrestis
- farmer, countryman, peasant
- agricola, agricole, agricultor
- farmer, countryman, peasant
- agricolae
- farmer, countryman, peasant
- agricultura
- agriculture
- agynus
- man without woman
- a lapide
- by a stone
- alegenus
- born in unknown territory/not here
- alias N...
- said differently, called differently
- aliegena, aliegenus
- born in unknown territory/not here
- alienigenus
- foreigner
- alienum (corpus)
- alien element, unknown particle/element
- alii(s) et alii
- e.a.
- aliquis, aliqua
- e.a.;somebody
- aliquot
- some
- aliunde
- from elsewhere
- alius
- other/another
- allegatus est pro patre
- designated as father
- allodium
- in full property of the owner, no tax duty (ground)
- allutarius
- preparerer of soft leather, leatherer (white)
- altare
- altar
- alter
- another
- altera
- other/s, the one, the other
- altera die
- the following day, the other day
- alumna
- stepdaughter
- alumnus
- stepson; discipel, student
- ama
- aam (old measure for wine)
- amatina
- daughter of an aunt (fathers side, so a full niece)
- amatinus
- son of an aunt (fathers side, so a full cousin)
- ambio extranix
- coming outside; forming one pair
- ambo
- both
- ambo hic nati
- both born here
- ambo parochiani
- both of this parish
- amens
- lunatic
- a me pastore baptizatus
- door mij pastoor gedoopt
- amica, amicus
- girlfriend, friend, kin; (adv.) loyal; confidential; accustomed
- amicitia
- friendship; related by blood; guild
- amita
- aunt (fathers side)
- amita magna
- great aunt (fathers side)
- amita major
- sister of the great grandparents
- amita maxima
- sister of the second great grandparents
- amitina
- aunts daughter (fathers side)
- amitinus
- aunts son (fathers side)
- amitini
- brothers and sisters of the children
- amitinus magnus
- grandson of the sister of the grandfather
- amplissima, amplissimus
- (titel) reverent, in high appraisal
- ampullarius
- glassblower, person who makes bottles
- an
- or (in a question phrase)
- a nativitate
- since birth
- ancellator
- birth catcher
- ancilla
- maid, young woman, servant
- ancilla mineus
- person giving milk to a baby-feeding it
- ancilla nutriens
- nurse;person giving milk to a baby-feeding it
- anilitas
- elderly; high age (for women)
- animam sui creatori reddidit
- gave his soul to the Creator
- annalis
- one year old; yearly
- anniculus
- only one your old
- anniversarium
- birthday
- anno
- in the year
- anno aetatis (suae) 12
- in his 12th birth year, being 12 years old
- anno Christi
- AC
- anno Domini
- in the year of the Lord
- anno eodem ut supra
- in the same year as above; has the same age as above
- annonarius
- grain/wheat merchant
- annorum
- in the age
- annuatim
- every year, yearly
- annum
- year
- annus
- year
- anonima, anonimus
- nameless
- ante
- before
- antea
- earlier; before
- antecessor
- ancestor; person coming before you
- antedictus
- aforesaid
- ante diem pridie
- day before yesterday
- ante meridiem
- forenoon
- antenatus
- stepson (of which the father is deceased)
- ante nuptiael, nuptiale
- marriage conditions
- antesignanus
- (mil.) sergant major, head of the guard
- antiqua, antiquus
- (adv) old, elderly; (pl.) elders, ancestors
- anus vetula
- old woman
- anus antiqua
- old, elderly
- apiarius
- beekeeper, beefarmer
- apoplexia
- stroke
- apricator
- bleacher
- aprilis
- april
- apud
- with, for
- apud acta
- with mandate (assignee)
- aqua
- water
- aquabojolus
- beadle, sexton, sacristan, player of the organ
- aquarius
- manager of the fountains and waterworks; watercarrier
- arator
- farmer, plower, peasant
- arbalista
- (mil.) slingers (people armed with slings)
- arborator
- tree farmer
- archiator
- doctor; first doctor in a hospital; officer of the sanitory serfice; chairman of the medicl faculty (university)
- archidiaconus
- archdeacon
- arcularius
- timmerman, bowmaker, furniture maker
- area
- farm; house; area
- argentarius
- silversmith; banker; money changer
- armentarius
- cow herder; herdsman
- armigar
- squire (man-at-arms in the service of a knight)
- armiger
- page, armed person, squire
- aromatopola
- pharmacist; spice merchant
- articulo mortis
- on the moment of death
- artifex
- craftsman
- artista
- artist; craftsman
- ascendens
- (adv.) predecessor, ascending
- assator
- cook
- asserens se nominari N...
- who claims to be named ...
- asserere
- confess
- assertione matris (ex)
- according to the statement of the mother
- asseruere
- confess
- asseruit
- he confesses (e.g. to being the father)
- assete
- basis
- assignat
- he or she assigns ...
- assignatus
- assignee
- assisia
- fee one has to pay on a public sale; tax on primarely food; usage tax
- astans
- the person present
- astantibus
- the people present (sometimes at a baptise)
- astare
- to be present; standing next to it
- astavia
- grandmother of the great grandmother
- asthmate
- by asthma
- asthmaticus
- person suffering from asthma
- astrologus
- astrologer
- ataeres
- father of the second great grandfather
- atamita
- sister of the second gread grandfather
- atavia
- grandmother of the great grandmother
- atavus
- second great grandfather
- atavunculus
- brother of the second gread grandmother
- atenarius faber
- person repairing pots and pans
- atmatertera
- sister of the second gread grandmother
- atnepos
- grandson of the great grandson
- atneptis
- granddaughter of the gread grandson
- atpatruus
- brother of the second gread grandfather
- atque
- and
- attestatio de vita
- proof of life; testimony
- attingens
- obtaining (the age of)
- atuepis
- granddaughter of the great grandson
- atuepos
- grandson of the great grandson
- aucellator
- birth catcher; person tending falcons
- auf(f)ugere
- escape
- augusti
- august
- aurifaber
- goldsmith, silversmith, jeweller
- aurifex
- goldsmith
- aurifodinarius
- gold digger
- auriga
- charioteer
- autem
- however
- avi
- grandparents
- avia, ava
- grandmother
- avia materna
- grandmother (mothers side)
- avia paterna
- grandmother (fathers side)
- avi pater
- great grandfather
- avitus
- (adv.)grandfatherly
- avuncula
- aunt (mothers side), mothers sister; wife of the mothers brother
- avunculus
- uncle (mothers side), mothers brother; man of the mothers sister
- avunculus magnus
- brother of the grandmother
- avunculus major
- brother of the great grandmother
- avunculus maximus
- brother of the second great grandmother
- avus
- grandfather; (gen.) ancestor
- avus maternus
- grandfather (mothers side)
- avus paternus
- grandfather (fathers side)