IT:Manuale Wiki per Gramps 4.2
Questo è il wiki manuale per Gramps versione 4.2. Tutti gli utilizzatori sono incoraggiati a contribuire alla stesura di questo manuale in modo da migliorare la sua leggibilità ed utilizzo.
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Languages: |
English • български • català • čeština • dansk • Deutsch • español • suomi • français • italiano • 日本語 • lietuvių • македонски • norsk bokmål • Nederlands • polski • português • русский • slovenščina • shqip • svenska • slovenčina • தமிழ் • 中文 |
Questo manuale per Gramps aiuta l'utente nell'utilizzo del software Gramps. Sono trattati tutti gli argomenti, inclusi i dettagli generali, i trucchi nascosti, le preferenze, gli strumenti, relazioni, ecc.
- Cosa c’è di nuovo?
- Come iniziare
- Finestra Principale
- Categorie
- Categorie del Navigatore
- Categoria Cruscotto
- Categoria Persone
- Categoria Relazioni
- Categoria Famiglie
- Categoria Grafici
- Categoria Eventi
- Categoria Luoghi
- Categoria Geografia
- Le differenti visualizzazioni
- Tutti i luoghi conosciuti per una persona
- Tutti i luoghi conosciuti per la famiglia
- Hanno mai avuto la possibilità di incontrarsi?
- Hanno mai avuto la possibilità di incontrarsi, queste due famiglie?
- Tutti gli spostamenti di una persona e dei suoi discendenti
- Tutti i luoghi correlati ad eventi
- Tutti i luoghi conosciuti
- Uso
- La configurazione
- Come zoommare e scorrere la mappa?
- Le azioni del mouse sulla mappa
- Il menu a comparsa
- Cliccare su un indicatore
- L'aggiunta o il collegamento ad un posto
- Aggiungere posti da file KML
- Come cambiare il fornitore di mappa?
- Si possono cambiare i colori degli indicatori?
- Come aggiungere/rimuovere il mirino?
- Come bloccare/sbloccare la mappa?
- Prerequisiti per vedere la vista Geografia
- Problemi possibili
- Le differenti visualizzazioni
- Categoria Fonti
- Categoria Citazioni
- Categoria Depositi
- Categoria Multimedia
- Categoria Note
- Manage Family Trees
- Starting a new Family Tree
- Opening a Family Tree
- Opening a GEDCOM or XML database
- Deleting a Family Tree
- Renaming a Family Tree
- Backing up a Family Tree
- Archiving a Family Tree
- Extracting a Family Tree Archive
- Unlocking a Family Tree
- Repairing a damaged Family Tree
- Saving changes to your Family Tree
- Importing data
- Exporting data
- Moving a Gramps 2.2 databases to Gramps 3.x
- CSV Import and Export
- Probably Alive
- Entering and editing data: brief
- Entering and editing data: detailed
- Entering and editing data: detailed - part 1
- Entering and editing data: detailed - part 2
- Entering and editing data: detailed - part 3
- Navigation
- Plugin Manager
- Gramplets
- What is a Gramplet
- Gramplets
- Age on Date
- Age Stats
- Ancestors
- Attributes
- Calendar
- Children
- Citations
- Descendant Fan Chart
- Descendants
- Details
- Events
- Fan Chart
- Filter
- Gallery
- Given Name Cloud
- Image Metadata
- Locations
- Notes
- Pedigree
- Preview
- Quick View
- Records
- References
- Relatives
- Residence
- Session Log
- SoundEx
- Statistics
- Surname Cloud
- To Do
- Top Surnames
- Welcome
- What's Next
- Reports - Index and Summary.
- Generating Reports
- Substitution Values
- Books
- Graphical Reports
- Graphs
- Text Reports
- Common options
- Ahnentafel Report
- Birthday and Anniversary Report
- Complete Individual Report
- Database Summary Report
- Descendant Report
- Detailed Ancestral Report
- Detailed Descendant Report
- End of Line Report
- Family Group Report
- Kinship Report
- Note Link Report
- Number of Ancestors Report
- Place Report
- Records Report
- Tag Report
- Web Pages
- Quick Views
- Tools
- Settings
- Filters
- Filter vs. Search
- Regular Expressions
- Custom Filter Editor
- Which filters in which Category?
- Ancestral filters
- Child filters
- Citation/sources filters
- Descendant filters
- Event filters
- Family filters
- Father filters
- General filters
- Mother filters
- Position filters
- Source filters
- Relationship filters
- Tagging
- Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions
1 General 1.1 What is Gramps? 1.2 Where do I get it and how much does it cost? 1.3 Does Gramps exist in other languages? 1.4 How do I keep backups? 1.5 Does Gramps support Unicode fonts? 2 Installation 2.1 What is needed to install Gramps under Linux, Solaris, or FreeBSD? 2.2 Does Gramps work on Windows? 2.3 Does Gramps work on the Mac? 2.4 What are the Minimum Specs to run Gramps? 2.5 How do I upgrade Gramps? 3 Preferences 3.1 Can I change the dates in reports to 'day month year'? 4 Collaboration-Portability 4.1 Is Gramps compatible with other genealogical software? 4.2 Can Gramps read files created by other genealogy programs? 4.3 Can Gramps write files readable by other genealogy programs? 4.4 What standards does Gramps support? 4.5 How do I import data from another genealogy program into Gramps? 4.6 Can I install Gramps on a Linux Web Server and use it via a web browser? 5 Reports 5.1 Can Gramps print a genealogical tree for my family? 5.2 In what formats can Gramps output its reports? 5.3 How can I change the default language in reports? 5.4 Is Gramps compatible with the Internet? 5.5 Can I create custom reports/filters/whatever? 5.6 Why are non-Latin characters displayed as garbage in PDF/PS reports? 5.7 I would like to contribute to Gramps by writing my favorite report. How do I do that? 6 Database - Gramps file formats 6.1 What is the maximum database size (bytes) Gramps can handle? 6.2 How many people can Gramps database handle? 6.3 My database is really big. Is there a way around loading all the data into memory? 6.4 Can I run Gramps from a database on a NFS share? 6.5 What does "portable" mean? 6.6 Why is the database format (GRDB) not portable? 7 Bugs and requests 7.1 What do I do if I have found a bug? 7.2 Requests 8 Adding to and editing my database 8.1 What is the difference between a residence and an address? 8.2 How do I change the order of children? 8.3 How do I change the order of spouses?
- Appendix B: Keybindings reference
- Appendix C: Command line reference
- Appendix D: User Directory
- Appendix E: Error and Warning Reference
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Languages: |
English • български • català • čeština • dansk • Deutsch • español • suomi • français • italiano • 日本語 • lietuvių • македонски • norsk bokmål • Nederlands • polski • português • русский • slovenščina • shqip • svenska • slovenčina • தமிழ் • 中文 |
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These licenses allow the Gramps project to maximally use this wiki manual as free content in future Gramps versions. If you do not agree with this dual license, then do not edit this page. You may only link to other pages within the wiki which fall only under the GFDL license via external links (using the syntax: []), not via internal links. |