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Gramps 5.1 Wiki Manual - Command Line

246 bytes added, 02:55, 20 March 2020
{{man note|Note that dates are shown in the default LOCALE format.|You change that at the system level. For example, on [[Gramps_Glossary#posix|POSIX]]-based systems you could use: <pre>LC_TIME=en_AU.UTF-8 gramps -L</pre>}}
Gramps Settings:
python : gramps : 5.01.01 gtk++ : 3.1824.912 pygobject : 3.2034.0 pango : 1.3842.13 cairo : 1.1416.60 pycairo : 1.1016.02
osmgpsmap : 1.0
GExiv2 : 0.10
ICU : 5563.1 PyICU : 1.92.52
o.s. : linux
kernel : 45.43.0-10424-generic
Environment settings:
LANG : en_GB.UTF-8
LANGUAGE : en_GB:en_GB:en
GRAMPSI18N: not set
GRAMPSDIR : not set
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gramps /usr/bin /usr/lib/python37.5zip /usr/lib/python3.57 /plat-x86_64-linuxusr/lib/python3.7/lib-gnudynload /usr/local/lib/python3.57/dist-packages
Non-python dependencies:
Graphviz : 2.3840 Ghostscr. : 9.1827
System PATH env variable:
bsddb :
version : 6.12.06
db version : 5.3.28
location : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bsddb3/
sqlite3 :
version : 3.1129.0
py version : 2.6.0
location : /usr/lib/python3.57/sqlite3/
* [[Translating_Gramps#.24GRAMPSI18N_.28for_your_locale.29| $GRAMPSI18N (for your locale) ]] - The LANG assumes the Gramps translations are installed globally. If this is not the case, you need to [[Translating_Gramps#.24GRAMPSI18N_.28for_your_locale.29|give Gramps the directory ]] where the translations will be found. This can be used to temporarily [[Howto:Change_the_language_of_reports|change the language for Reports]] being generated. A translation is called <code></code>, you can find it in linux Linux with the locate command. For example, if you have Swedish in directory <code>/home/me/gramps/mo/sv/</code>, you can direct Gramps there using:
GRAMPSI18N=/home/me/gramps/mo LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG="sv" python3 gramps
Example [[Linux:Build_from_source#Running_from_a_tarball_release|usage]]:
GRAMPS_RESOURCES=/home/bennyusername/gramps/branches/maintenance/gramps50gramps51/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/ PYTHONPATH=$GRAMPS_RESOURCES:$PYTHONPATH ./gramps

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