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Genealogy Glossary

28 bytes removed, 16:11, 17 March 2007
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# ;Anglicisation:process of making something English '''DNA'''
# acronum: '''d'''eoxyribo'''n'''ucleic '''a'''cid
# a nucleic acid that carries genetic information
''';DTD''':# acronym: '''D'''ocument '''T'''ype '''D'''efinition '''GEDCOM'''
# acronym: '''Ge'''nealogy '''D'''ata '''Com'''munication
# a format for exchanging genealogy data
''';matronym''':# personal name based on the name of one's mother '''patronym''' # personal name based on the name of one's father '''Romanization'''
# linguistic representation ;patronym:personal name based on the name of a word in Roman (Latin) alphabetone's father
'''XML''';Romanization:linguistic representation of a word in Roman (Latin) alphabet
# ;XML:acronym: E'''x'''tensible '''M'''arkup '''L'''anguage

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