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Fr:Manuel wiki pour Gramps 3.4 - Quoi de neuf ?

Revision as of 16:28, 14 April 2012 by Romjerome (talk | contribs) (Données Gedcom)


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Cette section donne un aperçu des changements dans la version 3.4 depuis la version 3.3. Tout ceci est également documenté dans le reste du manuel. Vous n'avez pas forcément besoin de lire toute la page. Les utilisateurs de la version 3.3 sont informés des changements pour ne pas manquer les nouvelles possibilités.


Avant votre mise à niveau


Creating an archive alone to safeguard your data might not be appropriate before upgrading. In the unlikely event that Gramps 3.4 corrupts your database, it could also corrupt the archive. An export as outlined in this section is recommended.

Comme toujours, avant une mise à jour majeure, soyez certain(e) que votre arbre familial est en sécurité, faites donc une sauvegarde supplémentaire. Le meilleur moyen pour cela est

  1. de démarrer Gramps 3.3
  2. d'ouvrir votre arbre familial
  3. d'exporter votre arbre familial vers le format gramps xml ou paquet gramps xml (incluant vos fichiers media). Ceci via le menu Arbres Familiaux -> Sauvegarde....
  4. de conserver le fichier généré dans un endroit sûr.

Désinstallez Gramps 3.3.x (changement dans la hiérarchie des répertoires et greffons) et installez Gramps 3.4.

Après l'installation, vous serez immédiatement capable d'ouvrir vos précédents arbres familiaux et continuer d'y travailler. Si il devait y avoir des problèmes (par exemple après une mise à niveau complète du système), vous pourriez avoir besoin de votre fichier de sauvegarde, créé précédemment, pour recréer votre arbre familial avec les mêmes données qu'avant la mise à niveau.


Une fois que vous avez ouvert votre arbre familial sur une nouvelle version de votre système ou un nouveau système d'exploitation, les chances sont grandes de ne plus pouvoir revenir à une ancienne version de votre système (par exemple une ancienne version également sur votre ordinateur). Comme toujours, le format gramps xml est le format à utiliser pour les échanges de vos données entre deux ordinateurs. Il y a des outils pour réparer les bases de données, mais ils sont souvent pour des utilisateurs expérimentés, pour ne pas en avoir besoin, faîtes une sauvegarde avant de mettre à niveau votre système ou Gramps.

Changements visibles

Changes visible after the migration: interface, data.


The principal changes are that:

  • Citations can be shared and
  • Citations can have media object attached to them.

It is possible to use Gramps in the same way as at Gramps version 3.3, if you do not want or need to take advantage of the new features:

  • The Sources view looks almost the same as the old Sources view (but with the addition of a disclosure triangle for sources that have citations),
  • The buttons for adding sources to information like events are the same as before,
  • The selector for choosing an existing source looks the same (although with the addition of disclosure triangles to allow a citation to be chosen),
  • The new 'Citation' editor looks (and behaves) almost exactly the same as the old 'Source Reference Editor',

Only if a user particularly wants to share citations between objects do they need to be aware of the change. The change is also intended to be entirely compatible with GEDCOM.

See GEPS_023:_Storing_data_from_large_sources for an explanation of the rationale behind the new features.

If you have an existing Gramps database which you are upgrading to Gramps 3.4, after the upgrade process, Gramps will suggest that you might like to merge citations that are the same and refer to the same source. Unless you have specifically recorded different information (for example different notes) on old Source References that are the same, you should probably use the Tools->Family Tree Processing->Merge Citations... tool.

When you start using Gramps, if you want to share a citation, then you would click on the Add an existing citation or source and in the Select Source or Citation dialogue, you would select the appropriate source and then citation. Clicking OK would take you to the Citation editor, but you will probably just click OK, because the citation and source are both shared.


  • The citation editor is very little changed from the former Source Reference Editor:
Figure 1.1

As shown, the main change is that the Citation can have a Gallery of images, Data fields, and also has (back-)references because it is a separate primary object.

  • Improvements on image selection feature.
  • New 'Default family relationship' option value (Preferences)
  • Add some accelerator keys on toogle buttons without labels. See also #Accessibilité.

Données Gedcom

GEDCOM import error/warnings report. bug tracker: [1] - provide a report of GEDCOM errors and warnings after import to show the user what information has not been imported.

Fig 1.2 Import report

The report (shown above) details most of the lines that were either ignored or could not be understood. The contents of the line (or lines where there are continuation lines) are also shown. In some cases, the lines may not be exactly what is contained in the input GEDCOM file, because the line is reconstructed following some processing.

In addition to this report, some improvements have been made to GEDCOM import to process more of the input file. Some data has been imported into Gramps data elements even when they are not exactly the same as the GEDCOM data elements. Because the format of GEDCOM, and the format that Gramps uses are different, there are inevitably some pieces of data that cannot be imported.

More details of the mapping from GEDCOM to Gramps are now provided. See Importation Gedcom.

Les changements sur les greffons

Everything about the plugins: import/export, gramplets, views, reports, tools.


  • Citations support on file formats
  • Improvements on Gedcom file format support


  • output file formats

Improvements : RTF, ODF, LaTeX, cairo (PDF, Print...)

  • support image sections on textual reports
  • Citation support and source review (NarrativeWeb report, etc ...)
  • Paper options

Consistency rules on paper values, orientation and file format (options set by user)


  • Improvements
  • Alphabetical Index and Table Of Contents (TOC) features on book report

Rapports détaillés

  • Improvements, bug fix, consistency on age calculation, etc ...

NarrativeWeb (Saga)

  • Media gallery, thumbnails
  • hyperlink menu for screen readers and braille writers


The sources view has been enhanced with a new tree view (Fig 1.3) that also shows citations below the source, in addition to the existing flat view (Fig 1.4)

Fig. 1.3 Sources (Citation Tree) view
Fig. 1.4 Sources view

There is also a new Citations view (Fig 1.5).

Fig. 1.5 Citation view

  • Size adjustments on Main, Navigation, Bottom and Side bars


  • A new tool for merging our citation records: MergeCitations.
  • Review on some Repair Family Tree tools

Autres changements sous le capot

Technical stuff (gui/gen).


  • Better ATK support

Gestionnaire de greffons

  • Review, improvements

Interface en ligne de commande

  • Arguments/flags

Improvements, consistency, optional translation

Format Gramps XML et base de données

  • Citations support
  • Gramps XML is now idempotent[2].

Exporter does not change records order, making easier to look at differences between versions/revisions.

Classes utilisateur

Reports and tools have user classes. These classes provide a means to interact with the user in an abstract way. These classes should be overridden by each respective user interface to provide the appropriate interaction (eg. dialogs for GTK, promts for CLI).

Pour aller plus loin

More informations.



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