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*Python Gramplet - eine Python Shell
*Python Gramplet - eine Python Shell
If a link in a Gramplet is to a specific person, then clicking the link will change the Active Person. Double-clicking such any link to a specific GRAMPS item (such as person or family) will bring up the Editor for that item. To edit a linked person without changing the Active Person, right-click on the person link. Depending on the type of entry, double-clicking any row in a Quick View table will either select more specific data (drill down) or bring up the editor.
Wenn ein Gramplet einen Verweis auf eine bestimmte Person enthält, ändert ein klicken auf diesen Verweis die aktive Person. Ein Doppelklick eines solchen Verweis zu einem bestimmten Gramps Element (wie eine Person oder Familie) öffnet den Bearbeitendialog für dieses Element. Mir einem Rechtsklick auf den Verweis zu einer Person wird der Bearbeitendialog geöffnet aber nicht die aktive Person geändert. Abhängig von der Art des Eintrags öffnet ein Doppelklick auf eine Zeile im Schnellbericht detailliertere Datenansicht oder den Bearbeitendialog.
Dieser Bereich beschreibt jedes Gramplet und seine Grundfunktionen.
Dieser Bereich beschreibt jedes Gramplet und seine Grundfunktionen.
{{man note|Einstellungen ändern|You can change the settings of the Gramplets by editing your '''~/.gramps/gramplets.ini''' file. But you can only do that when GRAMPS is not running. Just bring up the ''gramplets.ini'' file in a text editor and make the desired changes. You can change the title of the Gramplet by changing the section name (surrounded by square brackets). These options will be able to be changed via the Gramplet View in the next version of GRAMPS. If you have an idea for additional Gramplets, please let us know!}}
{{man note|Einstellungen ändern|Du kannst die Einstellungen des Gramplets durch bearbeiten deiner '''~/.gramps/gramplets.ini''' Datei ändern. Dies geht aber nur wen Gramps nicht läuft. Just bring up the ''gramplets.ini'' file in a text editor and make the desired changes. You can change the title of the Gramplet by changing the section name (surrounded by square brackets). These options will be able to be changed via the Gramplet View in the next version of GRAMPS. If you have an idea for additional Gramplets, please let us know!}}
== Alter am Datum Gramplet ==
== Alter am Datum Gramplet ==

Revision as of 08:30, 12 October 2011

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Diese Seite beschreibt detailliert die Funktionalität der Gramplets. Wenn du mehr über technische Details zum erstellen von eigenen Gramplets lesen willst, schaue hier Gramplets. Für mehr Gramplets mit denen du die Funktionalität von Gramps erweitern kannst siehe Zusatzmodule dritter.


Abb. 7.1 Grampletsansicht

Ein Gramps Gramplet ist eine Ansicht der Daten, die sich entweder dynamisch während der Arbeit mit Gramps ändert oder Interaktivität mit deinen genealogischen Daten bietet. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Gramplets, Berichten, Schnellansichten und Werkzeugen?

  • Berichte liefern ein statisches Ausgabeformat deiner Daten typischerweise für Präsentationen
  • Schnellansichten liefern typischerweise kurze, interaktive Listen die sich aus deinen Daten ergeben
  • Werkzeuge liefern Methoden zum bearbeiten deiner Daten
  • Gramplets liefern eine dynamische Ansicht und Schnittstelle zu deinen Daten

Gramplets sind die Widgets, die mit Gramps geliefert werden und können in der Grampletkategorie und denSeitenleisten, Fußleisten angezeigt werden. Die Widgets bieten jede Art von Funktionalität, die für den Forscher nützlich sein können.

Wenn du die Ansicht das erste mal startest, siehst du das Willkommensnachricht Gramplet und das Häufigste Nachnamen Gramplet.

Abb. 7.2 Abgekoppelte Gramplets Ansicht

Du kannst die Eigenschaftenschaltfläche (oben links) von jedem Gramplet ziehen um es auf dem Bildschirm zu verschieben. Klicken der Eigenschaftenschaltfläche löst das Gramplet aus der Grampletansicht und zeigt es in einem eigenen Fenster. Das Fenster bleibt unabhängig von der Ansicht (Beziehungen, Vorfahren, usw.)geöffnet. Schließen des gelösten Fensters, packt es zurück in die Grampletansicht. Wenn du Gramps mit einem geöffneten Gramplet beendest, wird das Gramplet beim erneuten Start automatisch geöffnet.

Wenn ein oder mehrere Gramplets von der Grampletansicht gelöst sind, kannst du in eine andere Ansicht wechseln (wie z.B. Personen oder Vorfahrenansicht). Auf diese Weise kannst du diese Gramplets verwenden um eine bestimmte Ansicht mit zusätzlichen Details und Funktionen, die das Gramplet liefert zu ergänzen.

Neue Gramplets kannst du durch rechts-klicken in dem freien Platz in der Grampletansicht hinzufügen. Auf die selbe weise kannst du auch die Anzahl der Spalten ändern.

Dies sind die 18 Standardgramplets:

  1. Alter am Datum Gramplet - zeigt die an einem bestimmten Tag lebenden Personen und ihr Alter
  2. Altersstratistiken Gramplet - zeigt Altersspannengrafiken
  3. Attribute Gramplets - zeigt die Attribute der aktiven Person
  4. Kalender Gramplet - zeigt die Ereignisse der Personen an einem bestimmten Tag oder an einem Monat in der Vergangenheit
  5. Nachkommen Gramplet - zeigt die Nachkommen der aktiven Person
  6. Fächergrafik Gramplet - zeigt die Ahnentafel der aktiven Person in einer kreisförmigen Fächergrafik
  7. Vornamenwolke Gramplet - die beliebtesten Vornamen
  8. Ahnentafel Gramplet - zeigt eine komplette Ahnentafel in komprimiertem Text
  9. Schnellansicht - zeigt eine Schnellansicht der aktiven Person
  10. Rekorde Gramplet - zeigt die Rekorde deiner Daten
  11. Relatives Gramplet - zeigt die Verwandten der aktiven Person
  12. Session Log Gramplet - behält den Überblick was du getan hast und welche Datensätze du dir angesehen hast
  13. Statistik Gramplet - zeigt Statistiken der Datenbank
  14. Nachnamenwolke Gramplet - die häufigsten Nachnamen als "Textwolke"
  15. TODO Gramplet - ein Notizblock um deine Forschungen zu überwachen
  16. Häufigste Nachnamen Gramplet - die 10 häufigsten Nachnamen
  17. Willkommen Gramplet - eine Gramps Willkommen Nachricht
  18. Was als nächstes Gramplet - was muss als nächstes erledigt werden
Zusätzliche Gramplets

Ab Gramps Version 3.3 wurde ein neues System eingeführt um mehr Gramplets zur Verfügung zu haben. Dieses System wird über die Zusatzmodulverwaltung gesteuert. Über die Zusatzmodulverwaltung kannst du zusätzliche Erweiterungen bekommen. Prüfe die Liste verfügbarer Berichte hier.

Hier siehst du andere zur Zeit verfügbare Gramplets:

  • Dateneingabe Gramplet - bearbeiten des Namen, Geburtsdatum und Ort, Todesdatum und Ort der aktiven Person und Personen hinzufügen
  • Notiz Gramplet - anzeigen und bearbeiten von der Hauptnotiz der aktiven Person
  • Schlagzeilen Gramplet - aktuelle Kurzmeldungen von Gramps
  • FAQ Gramplet - häufig gestellte Fragen
  • Python Gramplet - eine Python Shell

Wenn ein Gramplet einen Verweis auf eine bestimmte Person enthält, ändert ein klicken auf diesen Verweis die aktive Person. Ein Doppelklick eines solchen Verweis zu einem bestimmten Gramps Element (wie eine Person oder Familie) öffnet den Bearbeitendialog für dieses Element. Mir einem Rechtsklick auf den Verweis zu einer Person wird der Bearbeitendialog geöffnet aber nicht die aktive Person geändert. Abhängig von der Art des Eintrags öffnet ein Doppelklick auf eine Zeile im Schnellbericht detailliertere Datenansicht oder den Bearbeitendialog.

Dieser Bereich beschreibt jedes Gramplet und seine Grundfunktionen.

Einstellungen ändern

Du kannst die Einstellungen des Gramplets durch bearbeiten deiner ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini Datei ändern. Dies geht aber nur wen Gramps nicht läuft. Just bring up the gramplets.ini file in a text editor and make the desired changes. You can change the title of the Gramplet by changing the section name (surrounded by square brackets). These options will be able to be changed via the Gramplet View in the next version of GRAMPS. If you have an idea for additional Gramplets, please let us know!

Alter am Datum Gramplet

Abb. 7.3 Alter am Datum Gramplet
Abb. 7.3a Age On Date Quick Report

This Gramplet gives you the possibility of entering a date in an entry field. If you click Run the Gramplet will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that Date. The date must be entered in a format that GRAMPS accepts.

You can then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit.

Altersstatistiken Gramplet

Abb. 7.4 Age Stats Gramplet
Abb.7.5 Age Stats Gramplet showing options

The Age Stats gramplet shows graphs of the breakdown of particular age spans. Clicking on a row will bring up the associated people.
You can change the gramplet's options by detaching, and selection the options drop-down area, and pressing Save.

Kalender Gramplet

Abb. 7.8 Kalender

The Calendar gramplet shows a monthly calendar. Double-click a day to run the On This Day Quick View.
With the < and > buttons top left corner (month) you can change to the previous and next month.

With the < and > buttons top right corner (year) you can change to the previous and next year.

The Quick View window shows you the Events of the selected day: Events on this exact date and Other events on this Month/day in history as well as Other events in that year.

The information is presented in a table showing:

  • Date
  • Type
  • Place
  • Reference

You can also drag a date to the date field of the Age on Date Gramplet to enter that date.

Vornamenwolke Gramplet

Abb. 7.11 Vornamenwolke Gramplet

Like the Surname Cloud Gramplet, the Given Name Cloud gramplet shows the top most popular given names in your family tree. The size of the name indicates how popular it is. Mouse over the name to see the exact count, and the percent of people in the family tree that have that name.

The gramplet splits up given names into words (broken up by spaces). For example "Sarah Elizabeth" would appear under both "Sarah" and "Elizabeth".

Double-click on the given name to bring up a Quick View of all of the matching people.

Schnellansicht Gramplet

Abb. 7.13 Schnellansicht Gramplet

The Quick View gramplet allows you to run a Quick View, but it updates as you move from person to person. (Currently, only People Quick Views can be run).

You can run any of the Quick Views for a person.

You can change the options by clicking the Option button (top, left hand button of the Gramplet) which will detach the gramplet and bring it up an a window. Select Options on the top row, and a list of options will appear. Press Save to apply the changes to the Quick View. You may then close the window to reattach the gramplet.

Currently, the Quick View Gramplet doesn't remember which Quick View between GRAMPS sessions, so you'll have to reselect it when you restart GRAMPS. This will be fixed in an upcoming version of GRAMPS.

Rekorde Gramplet

Abb 7.14 Rekorde Gramplet

The Records Gramplet shows a number of interesting records (mostly age related) in your database. The list shows the top three for each element.

  • Youngest living person
  • Oldest living person
  • Person died at youngest age
  • Person died at oldest age
  • Person married at youngest age
  • Person married at oldest age
  • Person divorced at youngest age
  • Person divorced at oldest age
  • Youngest father
  • Youngest mother
  • Oldest father
  • Oldest mother
  • Couple with most children
  • Living couple married most recently
  • Living couple married most long ago
  • Shortest past marriage
  • Longest past marriage

The list is not only interesting on its own, it is also a good sanity check of the data. For some items you have to fill in some additional information.

Living couple married most long ago

 1. van Dosselaere, Egidius and Rechters, Petronella (382 years, 1 month)
 2. de Richter, Petrus and Asscericx, Catharina (379 years, 9 months)

This example shows that there was a marriage event (thus calculation of the offset) but none of the persons had a death event. Even if the date is not known, just enter a death event for one of the partners and the list will be corrected.

Session Log Gramplet

Abb. 7.16 Session Log Gramplet

The session log keeps track of activity in this session. It lists selected and edited objects.

Click a name once to make this person the active person. Double-click on a name or family brings up the edit page for that object. In addition, if you want to edit a person, but don't want to change the active person, you can right-click on the person's name.

This gramplet is handy because you can very quickly change the active person, or edit the object, from the session list.

Statistik Gramplet

Abb. 7.17 Statistik Gramplet

The Statistics gramplet runs a Statistics report. Double-click the phrases to bring up the matching items.

Following information is provided to you in this Gramplet:

  • Individuals
    • Number of individuals
    • Males
    • Females
    • Individuals with unknown gender
    • Individuals with incomplete names
    • Individuals with missing birth dates
    • Disconnected individuals
  • Family information
    • Number of families
    • Unique surnames
  • Media objects
    • Individuals with media objects
    • Total numbers of media object references
    • Number of unique media objects
    • Total size of media objects
    • Missing Media Objects

As with all Gramplets if you click on the left hand side Tool button you detach the window and if you add persons to your family tree, you will see the amount of individuals change dynamically.

Nachnamenwolke Gramplet

Abb. 7.18 Nachnemanwolke

The surname cloud gramplet shows the top 100 (by default) used surnames. The name font size is proportional to the amount of people with the same name.

Double-click a surname to run the Same Surnames Quick View. This will open the Quick View window where you can find all people with a matching or alternate name. Person, birth date and name type are given.

If you mouse over the name you see the percentage of occurrence and total counts.

Change the number of names displayed by editing this section in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

TODO Gramplet

Abb. 7.19 TODO Gramplet

The TODO gramplet is free form text area. You can use this area to put some notes, remarks, things you should to get your research going. There are several other TODO programs (e.g. Tomboy e.a.) but this Gramplet is useful as the information stays within GRAMPS. In future versions, you will be able to save links to GRAMPS items (like people, events, and families. This will allow you to keep a group of links that you are working on together.

The text is persistent between sessions. The data is saved to disk when you exit GRAMPS.

You can open more TODO lists to save different kinds of topics or organize your info.

Change the title of the gramplet by editing the section name in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

Häufigste Nachnamen Gramplet

Abb. 7.20 Die 10 häufigsten Nachnamen

The top surnames gramplet shows the top 10 (by default) used surnames.

The top ten is presented as follows:

  • Surname
  • percentage
  • occurrences

The list gives you also the Total unique surnames in the database as well as the total number of people in your database.

Double-click a surname to run the Same Surnames Quick View. This opens the Quick View window, which gives the people with the surname you double-clicked.

A table is presented which shows all people with a matching name or alternate name. Person's name, birth date and name type is given.

Change the number of names displayed by editing this section in ~/.gramps/gramplets.ini

Willkommen Gramplet

Abb. 7.21 Willkommen Gramplet

The welcome gramplet gives an introductory message to new users, and some basic instructions.

The welcome message describes what GRAMPS is, that the program is OSS and how you start a Stammbaum.

This information can also be found on the Startseite von Gramps

Was als nächstes Gramplet

Abb. 7.22 Was als nächstes Gramplet

The What's Next Gramplet displays a list of the "most urgent" information gaps in your family tree. It is based on the following assumptions:

  • You want to know first and last name, birth date and place, and death date and place of each person
  • You want to know father, mother, marriage date and place, and - if divorced - divorce date and place of each family with married parents
  • You want to know at least the mother of each family with unmarried parents
  • The closer the relationship to the main person, the more "urgent" the information gap is.
  • The closer the common ancestor is from the main person, the more "urgent" the information is (e.g. nephews are considered more "urgent" than uncles, even though both have a distance of 3, because for nephews the common ancestor is father/mother, while for uncles, the common ancestor is grandfather/grandmother)
  • Marriage data and personal data of the spouse is slightly less "urgent" than personal data of the directly related person
  • Half brothers are less "urgent" than brothers

Seitenleiste und Fußleiste

Since Gramps 3.3 we have common and specific gramplets according active view (navigation/category).

  • Back references gramplets are like the references tab on object Editor.
  • Filter gramplet is like the previous filter sidebar
  • Common models for Notes, Gallery, Sources, Events
  • Children gramplet on Person views (also ancestry category and relations), family view


Attribute Gramplet

Abb. 7.6 Attribute Gramplet
Abb. 7.7 Attribute Schnellansicht

The Attributes gramplet shows all of the attributes for the current, active person. Double click on the name of the attribute, and you will run a Quick View that shows all of the people that have that attribute, and the values for it. You can sort the Quick View by the attribute value by clicking on the column name.

In the Quick View, highlight the entry to change the active person (which will then change the Attributes Gramplet), and double-click the Quick View entry to bring up the Edit Person dialog window.

Nachkommen Gramplet

Abb. 7.9 Nachkommen Gramplet

The Descendent gramplet shows the direct descendants of the active person.

The order of the spouses and children is that given in the GRAMPS editor. To change the order of spouses, click on Order on the Relationship view. To change the order of children, drag and drop them in the correct order in the Family edit window.

This gramplet is based on the Descendant Report, available from the Textual Reports.

The Descendant gramplet will update when you change the active person, or change family trees. It does not update automatically for edits or additions because this report is time-consuming to run.

Minimizing a gramplet will prevent it from updating.


Fächergrafik Gramplet

Abb. 7.10 Fächergrafik Gramplet

The Fan Chart gramplet shows the direct ancestors of the active person in a circular format. It is similar to the Pedigree View, but shown around the center/active person, and further generations spiralling out.

Click on a parent in the chart and they will expand or contract above their child. Right-click on a person and you can:

  • select that person to be the active person
  • edit the person
  • select from among the person's relatives to be the active person

Clicking in an open area (non-person) and dragging the mouse will allow you to rotate the chart about the center. In Gramps 3.3, you may also left-click and drag in the center to reposition the fan chart.

A white edge on the outer radius of the chart indicates more parents for that person. A black circle in the center indicates that the center person has children.

The Fan Chart gramplet will update when you change the active person, or change family trees.

Minimizing a gramplet will prevent it from updating.

Ahnentafel Gramplet

Abb. 7.12 Ahnentafel Gramplet

The Pedigree gramplet shows a compressed view of the active person's direct ancestors. It defaults to going back 100 generations. The names can be clicked to change the active person, double-clicked (or right-click) to edit the person. This Gramplet also shows at the bottom of the gramplet the number of people per generation. Double-click the Generation number to see the matching individuals.

In GRAMPS 3.3, you can now see birth and death dates next to a person's name.

Verwandtschaft Gramplet

Abb 7.15 Verwandtschaft Gramplet

This Gramplet shows all direct relatives of the active person. It's intended use is as a navigation help, an alternative way to move through your GRAMPS database. If you detach the gramplet, and place it next to GRAMPS, it will allow you to use it to easily change the content of the current "person view".

If you are working in the ancestry views, the active person is the left-most person. By clicking a name in the relatives gramplet, you can easily change the active person, and all person view in the other window will update. As the relatives gramplet shows all spouses, all children and all parents, this offers an alternative way of navigating your data.

The names in this gramplet also allow you to call up the person editor directly, by right-clicking on any of the names.


Ort Details



Since Gramps 3.3 the preview moved to a gramplet.

Image Metadata

Abb. Bild Metadaten Gramplet

Special Note: Before being able to use this gramplet/ addon, you will need to download and install pyexiv2 or install pyexiv2 from your local Linux repository. Windows user, there is an installer for you. Ubuntu, use the Universe repository to find pyexiv2.

The Image Metadata Gramplet offers an easy interface to add, edit, and remove Image Exif Metadata from your images (*.jpg, *.png. *.tiff, *.exv, *.nef, *.psd, *.pgf).

Once you have installed pyexiv2, see above for directions to download and install this addon...

Pyexiv2 can be used from the command line interface (cli) as well, and from within a python script:

  1. import the pyexiv2 library
    from pyexiv2 import ImageMetadata, ExifTag
  2. specify your image
    image = ImageMetadata("/home/user/image.jpg")
  3. read the image

Exif, IPTC, XMP metadata reference tags can be found here.


image["Exif.Image.Artist"] # Artist
Smith and Johnson's Photography Studio

image["Exif.Image.DateTime"] # DateTime
1826 Apr 12 14:00:00

image["Exif.Image.DateTime"] = datetime.datetime.now() # Add DateTime

image.write() # write the Metadata


My perferred way to use this addon is:

  1. install pyexiv2
  2. Install this addon
  3. Install Split Views
  4. Restart Gramps
  5. Click on Split Views from the left-side Navigation Sidebar
  6. Click Views from the Menu bar, and select Media Views
  7. Close the right side View by clicking the X at the top left side
  8. Slide the available empty right view to about half the screen.
  9. Right click in the open space, and select Add a Gramplet
  10. Select Image Metadata Gramplet
  11. Select an image from the left hand MediaView

Die Schnittstelle



The name of the person or company taking the image

Select Date

Will bring up a calendar, and double-click on a date. The time will be filled in as the current time


The Date/ Time needs to be typed in as a very specific format:
Year Mon Day Hour:Minutes:Seconds
11826 Apr 12 14:06:00


Can be anything that you please... Ex: (C) 2010 Smith and Wesson


Please enter keywords that describe the picture. Do NOT add a space after the comma. Ex. : Census,Milwaukee,Oregon

Latitude/ Longitude

Latitude/ Longitude data can be entered in one of two ways:
  1. Degrees Minutes Seconds Ex.: 10 59 14
    In this format, you will need to select latitude reference, and longitude reference
    If the Latitude begins with a negative number, select 'S' as Lat. Ref. or 'N' if a positive number. If the Longitude begins with a negative number, select 'W' as the Long. Ref. or 'E' if a positive number.
  2. Decimal, Ex. : -34.15954
    In this format, the Latitude and Longitude reference will be selected for you after you click Convert GPS Coordinates or press the Save button. For foreign countries that might use a ", " instead of a ".", please use the "."


Type in something about the image, the people in it or the location of the image. Non-latin characters are NOT allowed. ASCII characters only...


  1. Save
    Will write the metadata to the image, and convert latitude/ longitude if it is in decimal format.
  2. Clear
    Will clear all data fields
  3. Convert GPS Coordinates
    will convert Latitude/ Longitude if it is in decimal format

My favorite source for GPS Coordinates is: GPS Visualizer

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