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== Un rapport ==
== Un rapport ==
Now that you have a first small family tree, make a report. Go to the oldest grandparent you have in the relationship view or the person view (you can set bookmarks on people and set a home person!). With this person selected, go in the menu '''Reports->Text Reports->Detailed descendant report''', to create a nice textual descendant report.
Maintenant que vous avez votre premier petit arbre familial, vous pouvez générer un rapport. Allez vers votre plus ancien grand-parent depuis la vue Relations ou la vue Individus (vous pouvez marquer des individus - signets - et définir une souche !). Avec l'individu sélectionné, allez dans le menu '''Rapports -> Rapports Textuels -> Liste détaillée des descendants''', pour créer un joli rapport textuel des descendants.
== Et maintenant ?==
== Et maintenant ?==

Revision as of 08:58, 28 May 2011

Comment débuter sa généalogie avec Gramps ?


Si vous n'avez jamais fait de généalogie, le plus simple est de commencer par vous saisir, puis d'ajouter les autres personnes proches. Le plus important en généalogie est l'enregistrement qui vous a permis de trouver l'information. C'est important pour la suite, il permet de:

  1. se souvenir du moyen ayant permis d'obtenir cette information
  2. créer une confiance avec les autres généalogistes

Ainsi, si vous commencez par vous-même, vous vous interrogez vous-même, c'est votre source principale sur le sujet. Depuis cette source vous obtenez des événements tels que le jour de naissance, le jour de baptême (ou autre), vos dates de diplôme, etc... . La source de ces événements vous permet de déduire 'existence de cet individu, comme une partie de la famille. Dès lors, vous avez vos propres termes pour la généalogie: sources, événements, individus et familles. En plus de cela, Gramps vous permet de stoker des notes, des lieux, des media (images, films, documents), et des dépôts.

Voilà, maintenant commençons par ajouter des information dans Gramps.

Créer un arbre familial

La première étape, avec un clic sur l'icône de l'arbre familial pour ouvrir le gestionnaire d'arbres familiaux. Créez un nouvel arbre familial, et cliquez sur le bouton Ouvrir pour ouvrir l'arbre familial. La fenêtre de Gramps contient un menu, une barre d'outils, une barre latérale à gauche vous permettant de naviguer entre différentes catégories de vue avec vos données, ainsi qu'une aire d'affichage pour afficher vos données. Utilisez le menu Affichage, vous pouvez activer dans la plupart des vues une barre latérale à droite et une barre inférieure. Laissons çà pour plus tard.

Créer une source

Comme vous avez commencé par vous-même, et que la source est une interview de vous-même, dans la barre latérale de gauche appelée Navigateur cliquez sur l'icône Sources. Dans la barre d'outils, cliquez sur Ajouter (ou CTRL+INSERT sur le clavier) pour ouvrir l'éditeur de source.

Partons du principe que votre nom est John Doe, vous allez maintenant créer une source pour votre interview avec vous-même ! Entrez donc:

  • Titre: Interview avec John Doe
  • Auteur: John Doe

puis cliquez sur le bouton Valider.

Çà y est, votre première source. Dans la vue Sources vous verrez que Gramps a ajouté un identifiant ID à votre source. Vous pouvez changer le format de cet identifiant ID dans le menu Édition -> Préférences -> Formats ID.

Avant de continuer, voyons comment changer l'interface. Dans la barre d'outils de Gramps, le dernier icône est le bouton Configurer la vue, alors cliquez dessus pour voir comment vous pouvez adapter la vue. Activez la colonne 'Dernières modifications' et en glissant, changez par exemple la colonne 'Auteur' en deuxième position. La plupart des vues ont cette option de configuration, changez ainsi selon vos envies !

Ajouter des données à la source

Continue with adding some more data to the source, so double click it (or press ENTER) to open the source 'Interview with John Doe', and have a look at the tab pages at the bottom of the source editor: Notes, Gallery, Data, Repositories, References. Surely you have a picture of yourself? Let's add it to the Gallery of this source.

Before you begin, know that Gramps does not store your media, it only stores a link to where the media is on your hard disk. So decide where you will store your pictures, documents, and in the menu Edit->Preferences->General set the value of Base path for relative media paths to this directory. Keep your media documents well structured in this directory.

So, once this directory is set well, in the source editor, click on the Gallery tab, and then on the little Add icon. This opens a selection dialog to select the image of yourself. At the bottom of this dialog, set a nice title 'Picture of John Doe', and make sure you select 'Convert to a relative path'. Press OK. You will now see the Media Reference Editor. The top of this dialog allows to select a region of the picture, eg when you have a selected a group photo, it makes sense to indicate who on the photo is John Doe. You can use the mouse in the preview picture to select the part of the picture of interest (click down is corner 1 and click for release is corner 2). Click OK to save the image and go back to the source editor you where working on.

Suppose you have a typed out text of the interview. In that case you can add the word document in the Gallery, but you can also store the text as a Note in Gramps. The good thing of a note is that Gramps can search the text of notes with filters. So, click on the Notes tab, click the add icon, and you see you are presented with a basic editor to type text.

When finished, press OK on the source editor, and your source 'Interview with John Doe' now has also a note and picture.

To see these, you would have to open the editor again. However, Gramps has a bottom pane that can show you information on the selected entry in the source view. For that, activate in the menu View the Bottombar. You will see a number of tabs which allow to show information. The elements showing information are called Gramplets in Gramps. They are small plugins that can perform all kinds of tasks. You can add one to the bottombar by using left-click with the mouse on the bottombar top part.

Time for your first Person

So much done, and not yet one single person is present in your family tree! Time to change that. Let's add yourself. As all information you will add comes from the source 'Interview with John Doe', we first store this in an easy to reach place. In the toolbar click on the Clipboard icon to open the clipboard. Select in the source view the source 'Interview with John Doe', and drop it in the Clipboard.

In the navigator, click on the Person icon to see the person view. Note that in the toolbar there is pressed in button indicating the type of person view you have activated. Try the other possibility once to see what changes. Many Categories in the navigator have more than one view!

Click now on the Add button to add your first person. You now see the person editor, and the top part of this should be what you expect: all information about the name of this person. So, type in your given name, and your surname. If you are eg. Spanish and have a very long surname, then click on the 'Add' icon after the surname to enter multiple surnames. See the manual for more details.

As you enter data, you need to add where you obtained this data. For this, drag the source you stored in the clipboard, to the Sources tab of the Person Editor. This will open up the 'Source Reference Editor'. The bottom part of this editor is the same source as already entered, but the top part is new, and contains the data on how the information of the person was found in this source and how certain you are of it. For this interview you can set Confidence to Very High.

You already have a picture of yourself, as you added it to the source. You can now add this same picture to this Person record you are creating. For this, click on the Gallery tab of the person editor, and click on the Share button. This will open a list of all media objects. Select the one you made earlier and click OK to store everything. You could also have used the clipboard: or by adding the picture there from the media view, or by adding the media reference in the clipboard by dragging it from the gallery of an object to the clipboard, and then using it from there where you need it.

Save everything by clicking OK until you see the main Gramps view again.


Next, you will want to add your birthday. For this, open the person editor of yourself, and note that in the bottom the Events tab is open. Click on the Add icon to add an event. Gramps preselects birth event for the first event that you want to add. Enter the required information, and if you know the place where you where born, click on the Add icon after the Place entry to create this place. For places, try to add latitude and longitude as that allows to show information on a map later.

Note that the editor that has opened is the Event Reference Editor. This means that there is a global part that you can share with other people (the bottom of the editor), and a top part which is unique to the person. This top part is used to enter the Role of the person in the event. In your own birth, you have the primary role. If you know the name of people helping in the birth, and you want to store these people also, you can share this event with them, with a Role of Aide. You can type a custom role in the Role field if you are not happy with the predefined possibilities.

Again, add a source to the event via the Sources tab, like you did before. As you have no real recollection of your own birth, the interview should not have confidence 'Very High'! You would need to add a birth document as source for that.

When done, click OK to save the event, and then again to safe the person, and you have your first full person record.


You now have entered yourself, time to add your parents. You could add your father and mother as you added yourself, and then connect them in a family, but most people will do things in one go via the Relationship View or one of the Pedigree View. Let's go to the Relationship view: select yourself in the person view, and then in the navigator, select the relationship view. This view has a toolbar that allows to add parents or to add a spouse. Click on the Add parents icon to open the family editor.

In the family editor you will see that you are present in the Children tab. Use the Add icon next to father and mother to add them as you have added yourself. Use the Add icon in the Children tab to add your siblings. You need to use drag and drop to sort siblings in the order as you want them to appear in reports (normally oldest to youngest I suppose).

In the family editor you can also add events. We call these family events as they are shared by the two parents. Typically this is Engagement, Marriage, .... In these the Role is 'Family'. It is not needed to add these events also individually to the two parents!

When done, click OK to safe the family, and you will return to the relationship view with all the extra information visible. From within this view you can navigate to other people and keep enlarging your family tree.

Un rapport

Maintenant que vous avez votre premier petit arbre familial, vous pouvez générer un rapport. Allez vers votre plus ancien grand-parent depuis la vue Relations ou la vue Individus (vous pouvez marquer des individus - signets - et définir une souche !). Avec l'individu sélectionné, allez dans le menu Rapports -> Rapports Textuels -> Liste détaillée des descendants, pour créer un joli rapport textuel des descendants.

Et maintenant ?

Gramps a plusieurs fonctionnalités, que vous pouvez améliorer, prenez un peu de temps pour consulter le manuel et en apprendre plus. Utilisez la mailing liste pour discuter des problèmes et posez des questions.

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