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Committing policies

Revision as of 12:22, 10 March 2008 by Dsblank (talk | contribs) (Log Messages)

Log Messages

Every commit to Subversion must be accompanied by a log message. These messages will be generated into a ChangeLog when a release is made and should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Messages should attempt to describe how the change affects the functionality from the user's perspective.
  • It is not necessary to describe minute details about the change nor the files that are affected because that information is already stored by Subversion.
  • If the commit fixes a bug on the bug tracker, the log message shall include the bug ID and summary from the tracker.
  • When committing contributed code, the log message shall list the contributor's name and email.

You can see the last changes with the svn log command, an example usage of this command:

svn log -r BASE:10240 | head -n 40

Change 10240 to a more recent version to have the command take less time.

You can also limit the number of entries shown by passing in the --limit flag to svn:

svn log --limit 5

Adding New Files

All the files with the translatable strings must be listed in the po/ file. This means that most new files must have their names added to that file.

All the files that need to be released must be listed in the in the same directory. Please remember to do this for new files that you add to SVN.

You'll also need to set several properties for new files. For .py files, try the following:

svn propset svn:mime-type text/plain src/
svn propset svn:eol-style native src/
svn propset svn:keywords 'Id' src/

Bugfixes In Branches

Whenever a bug is fixed in a branch, it is the committer's responsibility to make sure the fix is also committed to the trunk. This can be accomplished using one of three methods. All methods require a working copy of trunk and the branch.

Using svn merge

The most common way to move changes between branches is by using the svn merge command. Assuming you have a working copy of trunk in ~/gramps/trunk and a working copy of the 3.0 branch in ~gramps/gramp30:

gramps30$ svn commit
gramps30$ cd ../trunk
trunk$ svn merge -c REVISION
trunk$ svn commit
Using svn diff

You can also create a patch on gramps30 branch and apply it to trunk:

gramps30$  svn diff -r PREV > ~/mypatch.patch
gramps30$  cd ../trunk
trunk$  patch -p0 < ~/mypatch.patch

Then you may have to fix things that could not be applied due to conflicts. The patch program would mark the conflicts with the <<<<<<, ======, and >>>>>> signs. You will then need to commit your changes:

trunk$  ./svnci

Make the change in the branch. Commit the change to the branch.

Make the change in trunk. Commit the change to trunk.

More info: