Addon:Calculate Estimated Dates

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The Calculate Estimated Dates tool is used to add and remove birth and death events for people that are missing these events.

Select the tool via the menu Tools->Family Tree Processing-->Calculate Estimated Dates... this brings up a Undo history warning window:

Undo history

Proceeding with this tool will erase the undo history for this session. In particular, you will not be able to revert the changes made by this tool or any changes made prior to it. If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and backup your database.

You then choose Stop or Proceed.

You will be presented with the Calculate Estimated Dates tool window. This window has three tabs.

Gramps-notes.png This page's factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. Please help improve the Gramps Wiki as a useful resource by updating it.
Fig. 1. Calculate Estimated Dates
  • Options:
    • Filter: in the drop down menu you can select which portion of the database will be processed: you can also select the entire database, Descendants of the Active Person, Descendant families of the Active Person, Ancestors of the Active Person, People with common ancestor with the Active Person, or any custom filter (see custom made filters).
    • Filter Person: the Active Person is listed in this field, but click on the Select a different person will bring up a Select a person for the report window. This window shows a list of people you can choose from. Use the down arrow or the > arrow to expand and collapse the nodes. In the table you will see for which persons no birth or death date is available.

In the left hand side lower corner there is a Show all tick box. Clicking on this button will show all people in the database.

    • Source text: in this text field you can fill in the text that will be used in the source reference. Default value is: Calculated Date Estimates.

Four tick boxes are available:

    • Remove previously added dates
    • Add estimated birth dates
    • Add estimated death dates
  • Config:
    • Maximum age:
    • Maximum sibling age difference:
    • Average years between generations:
    • Estimated Dates types

To use

Fig. 2. User choice list
  1. Go to the Options tab
  2. Check the [ ] Remove option to remove previous estimates
  3. Select the Add date options to date events with or without dates
  4. Click on Execute
  5. Select the people with which to add events
  6. Click on Add Selected Events button to create


If you decide to make an event permanent, remove it from the Source. Otherwise, it will get removed the next time you automatically remove these events.


You may have to run the tool repeatedly (without removing previous events) to add all of the events possible.