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Addons development

245 bytes added, 09:06, 8 October 2013
Some addons may want to have persistent data (data settings that remain between sessions). You can handle this yourself, or you can use Gramps' built-in configure system.
In At the top of the source file that defines the settingsof your addon, you would do this:
from config import configas configman cm config = configconfigman.register_manager("view_placetreeview_0grampletname") cm# register the values to save: config.register("section.variable1option-name1", value1) cmconfig.register("section.variable2option-name2", value2)
cm# load an existing file, if one: config.initload() # save it, it case it didn't exist:
This will create the file "view_placetreeview_0grampletname.ini" and put in the same directory as the addon. In If the addonconfig file already exists, you can then:it remains intact.
In the addon, you can then:  x = cmconfig.get("section.variable1option-name1") cmconfig.set("section.variable1option-name1", 3)
and when this code is exiting, you might want to save the config. In a Gramplet that would be:
def on_save(self):
If your code is a system-level file, then you might want to save the config in the Gramps system folder:
cm config = configconfigman.register_manager("system", use_config_path=True)
This, however, would be rare; most .ini files would go into the plugins directory.
In other code that might use this config file, you would do this:
from config import configas configman cm config = configconfigman.get_manager("view_placetreeview_0grampletname") x = cmconfig.get("section.variable1option-name1")
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