4.1 Addons

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Third-party plugins give you more tools to work with your genealogy data in Gramps.

This page lists plugins written by users and developers to work with the Gramps 4.1 version.

These plugins may not be officially part of Gramps. Feature requests and bugs with these plugins should be directed to the contact information below.

Plugins for previous versions of Gramps can be found on the following pages

Installing Addons in Gramps

Gramps 3.3 introduced a new system for downloading and uploading Addons. Now you can have Gramps manage the process of checking and downloading updates.

To configure Gramps for Addons:

  1. Start Gramps
  2. Select Menu Edit -> Preferences...
  3. Go to the General tab
  4. Change "Check for updates" so when you start Gramps, it checks for updated Addons:
    1. Never - never checks for updates when you start Gramps
    2. Once a month - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a month
    3. Once a week - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a week
    4. Once a day - checks for updates when you start Gramps once a day
    5. Always - checks for updates whenever you start Gramps
  5. Change "What to check" so when you check for updates, it checks for:
    1. Updated addons only - does not check for new addons
    2. New addons only - does not check for updated addons
    3. New and updated addons - checks for all new and updated addons
  6. Change "Do not ask about previously notified addons":
    1. Check it so that new/updated addons are only asked about once; afterwards it doesn't show them to you
    2. Uncheck it so that new/updated addons are always shown to you

Writing a Plugin

Addon List

Addons now are listed inside of Gramps through the interface described above.

See Plugin list legend for details of columns.

Plugin / Documentation Type Image Description Use Rating (out of 4) Contact Download
All Names Quickview Quickview
Shows all names for all people All 4 Doug Blank AllNamesQuickview.addon.tgz
AttachSourceTool Tool
A tool to attach a source to a group of people. All 1 Doug Blank AttachSourceTool.addon.tgz
BirthdaysGramplet Gramplet BirthdaysGramplet-detached-view-41.png Display the upcoming birthdays All 1 Peter Potrowl BirthdayGramplet.addon.tgz
Cairo Clock Gramplet Gramplet
A sample Cairo clock gramplet. Developer 1 Doug Blank ClockGramplet.addon.tgz
Calculate Estimated Dates Tool
A tool to set estimated birth and death dates. All 2 Doug Blank CalculateEstimatedDates.addon.tgz
Census Gramplet Gramplet
Lists census events for the active person. Allows users to create and edit census data in a single form. Expert user 3 Nick Hall Census.addon.tgz
Census Report Report N/A Prints census events in a format similar to the original census entries. All 3 Nick Hall Census.addon.tgz
ClipboardGramplet Gramplet
Allows one to group items together for quick access. All 2 Doug Blank ClipboardGramplet.addon.tgz
Command Line Merge Tool N/A Merge primary object via the command line. Developer 3 Michiel D. Nauta CliMerge.addon.tgz
D3 Ancestral/Descendant Charts Web Report D3Chart-AncestralCollapsibleTree.png Create ancestral/descendant web based interactive D3 charts. All 3 Matt Keenan D3Charts.addon.tgz
Data Entry Gramplet Gramplet
Quick Data Entry for People data Expert user 4 Gramps Bugtracker DataEntryGramplet.addon.tgz
Deep Connections Gramplet Gramplet
Finds deep relationships between home and active people All 3 Gramps Bugtracker DeepConnectionsGramplet.addon.tgz
DenominoViso Web report
Creates interactive graphical ancestor/descendant tree on a webpage. All 3 Michiel Nauta DenominoViso.addon.tgz
Descendant and Detailed Descendant Book Reports Report DescendantBook.png Create a book of descendant or detailed descendant reports using a filter. All 2 Matt Keenan DescendantBooks.addon.tgz
Descendant Count Gramplet Gramplet and Quickview
Gives a count of descendants for each person All 4 Doug Blank DescendantCount.addon.tgz
DescendantsLines Report JohnShakespeare-DescendantsLines.png Generates a graphical descendants tree using orthogonal edges and routing ("square edges"). Developer
Expert user
Intermediate user
3 User:Lcc, Adam Sampson DescendantsLines.addon.tgz
Django Exporter/Importer Exporter/Importer
Import and export your data from gramps-connect.(Requires:Django 1.3 or 1.4) All 3 Doug Blank Django.addon.tgz
DownloadMedia Tool N/A Download media from web pages All 1 Gramps Bugtracker DownloadMedia.addon.tgz
ExportRaw Exporter
A Gramps exporter that will dump your BSDDB database into a flat text version (.raw) of the Python objects. Developer 4 Doug Blank ExportRaw.addon.tgz
Family Sheet Report
Sample Family Sheet
Generates a form with all information about a person, its spouses and its children. (Requires: PIL (Python Imaging Library).) All 4 Reinhard Müller FamilySheet.addon.tgz
Family Tree Report
Generates a graphical tree of a family with its ancestors and/or descendants. All 3 Reinhard Müller FamilyTree.addon.tgz
FAQ Gramplet Gramplet
Gramps Frequently Asked Questions Beginner user 0 Gramps Bugtracker FaqGramplet.py
Filtered Reports Report
Create a descendant report using a filter. Developer
Expert user
2 Adam Stein FilteredReports.addon.tgz
Fix Capitalization of Given Names Tool
Fix Capitalization of Given Names All 2 Donald N. Allingham
Doug Blank
Google Earth Mapservice
Show places with GoogleEarth.. All 3 Peter Landgren GoogleEarthWriteKML.addon.tgz
Gramps SQL Database Exporter/Importer
A Gramps exporter and importer that will export/import your BSDDB database as a fully-relational SQLite database. Expert users 3 Doug Blank Sqlite.addon.tgz
Graph View View - Experimental
A view that displays a descendant tree based on the active person. Requires PyGoocanvas and Goocanvas. Testing N/A Gary Burton GraphView.addon.tgz
Handle.bash External utility
A bash script which makes it possible to work with multiple databases merging select branches at will without collisions. All 3 User:Lcc (e-mail) Handle.bash.tar.gz
Headline News Gramplet Gramplet
Shows Gramps breaking news, once per hour All 4 Gramps Bugtracker HeadlineNewsGramplet.addon.tgz
ImportGramplet Gramplet
Interface to import Gramps XML text directly Developers 2 Doug Blank ImportGramplet.addon.tgz
InformationGraph Report N/A Generate detailed GraphViz graphs by spidering over the database. All N/A Bob Ham GVInformationGraph.py
LastChange Gramplet and Report
Last change report sample.png
A gramplet and report to display the last ten records changed in the open family tree. The gramplet only displays persons, while the report can display changed famlies, places, and events too. All 1 Jakim Friant LastChange.addon.tgz
libaccess Library
An experimental gen.lib interface. Developer 1 Doug Blank libaccess.addon.tgz
Lines of Descendency Report Report
Prints out all descendency lines from a given ancestor to a given descendent in text. All 2.5 User:Lcc (e-mail) LinesOfDescendency.addon.tgz
NoteGramplet Gramplet
A data entry gramplet for notes. All 3 Doug Blank NoteGramplet.addon.tgz
Number Of Descendants Quickview Quickview
Shows the number of descendants of the current person All 4 Reinhard Müller NumberOfDescendantsQuickview.addon.tgz
PedigreeChart Report
A version of the classic pedigree chart that is suitable for printing. (Can optionally use - numpy if installed) All 1 Jakim Friant PedigreeChart.addon.tgz
PersonEverything Report Report
PersonEverything sample output.jpg
Show absolutely everything about one person, including all events, notes, citations, sources, attributes, media and the family information about the families they are involved in. All 4 Gramps Bugtracker PersonEverything.addon.tgz
Place completion tool Tool
Place completion tool empty.jpg
A tool to fill in places. All 3 see package. PlaceCompletion.addon.tgz
Plugin Manager Gramplet Gramplet
Lists plugins available for Gramps All 2 Gramps Bugtracker PluginManagerGramplet.py
Python Gramplet Gramplet
Interactive Python Shell Developer 4 Gramps Bugtracker PythonGramplet.addon.tgz
QueryGramplet Gramplet and Report
A SQL-like query system. All 1 Doug Blank Query.addon.tgz
RelatedRelativesGramplet Gramplet RelatedRelativesGramplet-41.png Display all persons in the database with a relation to a relative. All 1 Heinz Brinker RelatedRelativesGramplet.addon.tgz
RepositoriesReport Report
Description All 3 Jérôme Rapinat RepositoriesReport.addon.tgz
SetAttributeTool Tool
A tool for setting attributes and their values on people. All 2 Doug Blank SetAttributeTool.addon.tgz
Thumbnail Generator Tool N/A Generates thumbnails for media files. All 3 Nick Hall ThumbnailGenerator.addon.tgz
Timeline Quickview Quickview
Shows timeline of events in immediate family members' lives All 4 Doug Blank TimelineQuickview.addon.tgz
TimelinePedigreeView View
Pedigree showing timeline and relationships. All 3 Doug Blank TimelinePedigreeView.addon.tgz
ToDoReport Report
Todo report sample output.png
Tag notes as ToDo (or anything else) and you can generate a report with the notes and the records they are attached to. Another way of maintaining a to-do list within Gramps. All 1 Jakim Friant ToDoReport.addon.tgz
Web Connect Pack Library
Collection of Web sites for various countries (DE/FR/UK/US) Only install the country you need. (* Requires libwebconnect) All 4 Gramps Bugtracker libwebconnect.addon.tgz

Manually installed Addons

A few addons have to be installed manually (or are scripts and need to be installed as described in the documentation).

  1. Click on a download link from the list of Addons below.
  2. Open the .ZIP or .gz file and save the contents to your Gramps User Directory, in the gramps41/plugins folder
  3. For some addons, you may need to restart Gramps

The Plugin Status window will show you which plugins failed to load, double click on such an entry shows you the error. You can email this error to the plugin contact.

Plugin / Documentation Type Image Description Use Rating (out of 4) Contact Download
InformationGraph Report N/A Generate detailed GraphViz graphs by spidering over the database. All N/A Bob Ham GVInformationGraph.py
Handle.bash External utility
A bash script which makes it possible to work with multiple databases merging select branches at will without collisions. All 3 User:Lcc (e-mail) Handle.bash.tar.gz

See also