User talk:Leonhaeuser

From Gramps

German translation

Hi Mirko,

There is a bug-report about German translation on bug tracker:

In Gramps 3.2.5, the event type "Property" is translated into German as "Eigenschaft". Looking at the description at, [^] "Property" is defined as "Pertaining to possessions such as real estate or other property of interest". Looking for the Property event, I had to search through the gramps.pot and de.po to find out how it was translated -- "Eigenschaft" isn't obvious.

I think a better translation would be "Eigentum", "Eigentumserwerb" or "Grundbesitz", "Immobilie", when you want to constrain property to real estates. The current translation "Eigenschaft" in this context means "attribute" or "feature".

-- German translation of the above (kind of) -- Ich würde Property eher als "Eigentum", "Eigentumserwerb" oder - wenn man es auf Grundvermögen beschränken will - als "Grundstück" oder "Immobilie" übersetzen. Unter "Eigenschaft" verstehe ich eher Größe, Gewicht, Haarfarbe. Auf der Suche nach dem Typ für Grundbesitz mußte ich mich erst einmal durch gramps.pot wühlen, um die Verbindung Property - Eigenschaft herzustellen. Ich finde die jetzige Übersetzung etwas irreführend.

Best regards,


Apologies for the work on the User Manual. I am attempting to clean up and work out missing part of user manual. Daleathan 03:01, 25 October 2011 (MST)

Version manual template

Hi I've reversed your use of the version manual template in the English User manual , as it should only be use on pages outside of the manual to refer to the current version of Gramps the template mentions not to use it inside the user manual because of the user manual roll over that the webmaster does for new major releases. Daleathan (talk) 23:10, 25 December 2021 (UTC)

thank you for the information I will look in the German manual and will remove it on all pages in the manual --leonhaeuser (talk) 23:25, 25 December 2021 (UTC)

German Discourse Forum

Hi, I have seen your name several times now in the German-language Wiki. This very good software has been available for such a long time that I wonder why there is no section in Discourse for the German-speaking community. Do you have an idea? Wouldn't something like that make sense? --Segundonome (talk) 11:42, 28 March 2023 (UTC)