
From Gramps

Die Gramps Wiki Dokumentation ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Wenn du bemerkst, dass die Dokumentation veraltet ist, unvollständig ist, ganz fehlt oder noch nicht in deine Muttersprache übersetzt ist, beantrage ein WikiContributor-Konto und hilf uns, sie zu verbessern!


Transclusion template. Adds the WikiContributorRecruiting article to Category:Cleanup.

The template substitutes a Standardized block of text (shown above) to recruit new editors for maintaining & enhancing the Gramps online documentation.

There are no leading (or trailing) spaces or linfeeds.

Recruit sparingly

Most users won't ever request an account on the gramps-project.org website... and that is very appropriate.

There is no account registration required to read this Wiki nor to download or install Gramps.

Visitors would only need an account to edit the webpages of this wiki. Users with all Gramps skills levels are desireable. Unfortunately, learning the MediaWiki idiosyncracies requires commitment to a steep learning curve.



See also