Template:Stub Stagnant
Transclusion template. Adds the Stub_Stagnant article to Category:Stub_Stagnant.
A stub_Stagnant is a truncated or unusually short thing but in an inactive wiki article. Stub_Stagnant notes are normally inserted as placeholders where section content was to be added but where the page has been deprecated. The original stub facilitated naming a Subsection Heading as an anchor point for an Internal Link (subsection scrolled) on other pages.
The red boxed inset note warns the Users of unfinished outline quality information, elicits new editor help in the active page and helps editors to return at a later time to subsections planned for expansion.
insert the following line on the page:
{{Stub Stagnant}}
This template can be invoked with a parameter (two letter country name)
See Gramps:Language policy for more information.
The translated Stub_Stagnant template is strictly the short text user message. Do NOT include a colored box definition or icon. Those items are inherited from the default (English) Stub template.
Please see the French localization as a point of reference. (Although the less verbose style of the English Stub_Stagnant renders a more compact placeholder.)
Rationale for using the Stub_stagnant template
Such placeholders are useful while writing a wiki article. They are highly visible reminders of incomplete sections of the tutorial.
Where does the term 'Stub' originate?
When programmers "stub out" a function, they build enough of the code to work around (for testing or for writing other code). Then, they come back later and replace it with the full implementation. The phrase comes from construction --- where utilities connections are capped off as 'stubs'. These serve as placeholders so that other subcontractors do not buildout in an incompatible way.
But transcluding the Stub template also adds the article to the Stub category. Being in that Category's index makes the draft article easier to find.
Drafts are naturally camouflaged by not yet being linked from public sections of the wiki. Those links usually won't be created until the draft is made public. (But links into the manual are great for a draft article. Each link represents information that doesn't need to be written before removing the Stub.)
Floating disconnected without links from public pages makes the article easy to lose among the more than 15,000 files on this website.
An article ready for the public shouldn't have any Stubs left. A good proofreader is probably the best person to remove the final Stub.
Based on Template:Stub from Wikipedia.
List of existing Languages
See also
- Recycling content with Transclusion
- Instructions for version Rollover of Gramps MediaWiki Manual
- Adding Citation Requests
- Flagging broken links
- adding a Cleanup note
- adding an Outdated note
- adding a Stub note