Template:How do I

From Gramps

🚧 Work In Progress

This wikipage is a cloned outline from a template. It is being roughed in.

Since you are reading this paragraph, then the WikiContributor has not progressed to the point of trimming out the excess template material. That means the wikipage is probably not ready for collaborative editing yet. Multiple people editing now might unintentionally overwrite their work. Please post your suggestion on the Discussion page instead of directly editing the content.

See also

The Group As name override
unify similar surmanes [sic] thread
threads with "Group As name"

The <IncludeOnly> tagged information is ignored until a template is transcluded. These tags suppress elements from being parsed for application to the original template. The usage below keeps the Template:How_do_I page itself from being indexed in those Categories.

{{DEFAULTSORT:How do I...new category location|noreplace}}
[[Category:How do I...]]

How do I use the template? By putting the following transclusion placeholder line in a (preferably new and blank) wiki article:


Choose the "Save page"/"Save Changes" button a new page with that one short placeholder line inserts an editable 'work in progress' document. When MediaWiki saves the article, it will clone most (MediaWiki will omit the blue background parts) of the content this reference template. (The "Show Preview" option only show the results, not the markup formatting control.) You can use the appended special formatting example template as a pre-populated virtual Copy&Paste clipboard. Snip pieces to paste special typographical formatting to enhance the outline.

Once the template content is cloned, Edit the page. Paste the raw Tutorials outline for your new How Do I... article above the See also section. This "raw Tutorial outline" might be simply pasting in a copy of a useful thread from one of the Gramps maillists or the Discourse forum.

Adding a feature documentation link pointing to the introduction of the interface element in the wiki will relieve you of the burden explaining how to find the feature.

Finding a Gramps Glossary term to link may be easier than choosing the best introductory section in the wiki.

 [[Gramps_Glossary#active_person|Active Person]]
 [[Gramps_Glossary#P|Primary Object]]

Glossary terms (like Active Person above) are normally lowercase and use an underscore between words. They have a brief description and may already have the introductory text and practical tutorial linked. You can fall back to the Letter index (like using 'P' with Primary Object above) if you don't know the exact entry.

Since most of these How do I... tutorials are likely to have been prompted by a MailList discussion, a set of example 'See also' link are included for reference.

Pointing the maillist archived thread link to the original message that inspired the tutorial give proper credit for the idea & reveals the background discussion.

Pointing another link to a good search phrase for the archive allows similar discussions to be explored.

Once the tutorial Preview is satisfactory, save a revision of the document. Then clean out the virtual Copy&Paste clipboard cluttering up your tutorial and save a final revision.

To remove the virtual Copy&Paste clipboard, simply delete everything from the beginning of this section to the bottom of the document. It is all disposable.

If the Copy&Paste clipboard is needed again, simply paste the following line at the end of the Edit box, Save a revision, & edit again.(Previewing isn't enough... a revision must be saved.)


Other wiki Templates can be used as virtual Copy&Paste clipboards in the same way.

Writing a 'How do I...' article.

{{subst:Gramps_{{man version}}_Wiki_Manual_-_Preface}}


Stub, english (default)


This article's content is incomplete or a placeholder stub.
Please update or expand this section.



À compléter !

Si vous pouvez aider à la traduction ou l'adapter à la culture francophone.

N'hésitez pas à améliorer cette page.

Stub, french

Embeddable Snippets (Subsection)


Dashboard Dashboard
People People
Relationships Relationships
Family Family Families
Charts Charts
Events Events
Places Places
Geography Geography
Sources (v3.4.x) Sources
Citations Citations
Repositories Repositories
Media Media
Notes Notes
more of the standard icons and Size sets of icons

List object tools
STOCK_ADD STOCK_INDEX (used for share) STOCK_EDIT STOCK_REMOVE Symbol question.svg Symbol question.svg
Add Share Edit Remove Move

Text formatting (Level 2 Subsection)

italic, bold, bold & italic

How to Add Images to a Gramps WikiMedia Article (Level 3 Subsection)
Fig. HowDoI.1 A screenshot caption

Insert an image wrapping section break:

Annotations of User Activities (Level 4 Subsection)
  • Commands you type at the command line
  • Filenames or Filenames
  • Replaceable text
  • Labels for buttons and other portions of the graphical interface
  • hint text for roll-over tooltip hints that identify elements of the graphical interface
  • Menu selections look like this: Menu ➡ Submenu ▶ Menu Item (always pad unicode symbols like these arrows with spaces so that robot translators see recognizable words) Gramplet selection menus (Down Arrowhead button)
  • Pop-up menu down arrowhead, (triangle) button
  • Buttons you can click
  • CTRL+D see Keybindings for a list of keyboard combinations used in Gramps.
  • Anything you type in
  • Checked - Selected Checkbox ☑ template
  • Unchecked - Checkbox that is ❏ unselected
  • RadioButton Selected.png - Radio button that is ◉ selected
  • RadioButton Deselected.png - Radio button that is 🔘 deselected

Some key names have a fitting unicode character. The keypress template automatically adds such "icons" to the following key names:

{{keypress|Shift}} produces Shift
{{keypress|Enter}} produces Enter
{{keypress|Cmd}} produces Cmd
{{keypress|Opt}} produces Opt
{{keypress|Tab}} produces Tab
{{keypress|Backspace}} produces ← Backspace
{{keypress|[[Ctrl]]|Alt|Del}} produces Ctrl+Alt+Del

Boxed annotations

Title of Tip

Tips text.

Example Note

Notes text.


warning text