Talk:Gramps Glossary

From Gramps

Active Person and French "Personne Actif"

Active Person
(core concept) - The person designated as the momentary center of focus in the open Gramps database. The perspective of this person defines the context for actions and for displaying all the surrounding information. Changing this focus is done by navigating the Active Person selection to another person.
Personne Actif (Active Person)
(concept principal) - La personne désignée comme le centre de concentration momentané dans la base de données Gramps ouverte. La perspective de cette personne définit le contexte des actions et de l'affichage de toutes les informations environnantes. La modification de ce focus se fait en sélectionnant naviguer le Personne Actif vers une autre personne.

How should Gramps ID be added?

Under "G" or "I"? Gramps ID Gramps_5.1_Wiki_Manual_-_Settings#ID_Formats GulliblePangolin (talk) 00:12, 26 May 2020 (UTC)

Under 'ID', I would expect. The word 'Gramps' before ID was a later refinement to the Keybindings page. It was added because that page covered both Gramps and OS keyboard shortcuts. So the ambiguity of whether the ID was OS-related or Gramps-related had to be addressed.

The Gramps Glossary ought to be GRAMPS only terminology... so the ID glossary term doesn't need the additional level of disambiguation. (Some of the terms should be moved from the Gramps Glossary to the Genealogy Glossary

The messy part is that there are separate ID sets for each category's objects. And that the system allows custom IDs via import or manual entry. See reorder Gramps ID or non-standard IDs

I'd probably only link the 'ID' in the Keybindings page instead of 'Gramps ID' compound term. That would implicitly reinforce that the important element is the 'ID' and the Gramps is only a disambiguation.

Bamaustin (talk) 03:45, 26 May 2020 (UTC)

Re-order or Reorder

fyi user manual and interface in Gramps uses the correct form the glossary should be changed to match!


With re- words, you should use ‘re-’ (with a hyphen) if the next word begins with an ‘e’ or a ‘u’ (when not pronounced like ‘you’). Otherwise, don’t hyphenate. It’s therefore re-examine, re-urge, re-entry and re-elect, and reuse, reunion, reorder, reinforce and redevelop.


In general, try to avoid putting hyphens into words formed of one word and a short prefix


hmm.. Gullible-Pangolin (talk) 22:43, 19 November 2024 (UTC)

My contention remains the same as for "plugin" vs. "plug-in". One requires adding a special purpose word to one's vocabulary or integrating another complex parsing rules. The other is easily understood as a concatenation of base words. So, better for machine translation or english as a (far distant) second language.

The Economist is an elitist magazine that caters to the idea of excluding people. Wealth and vocabulary are 2 of their favorite weapons for doing so. My brother subscribed while we were in high school. I read it for awhile until the tone became unbearable.

Language for tutorials should include, never exclude. (My inclusion of 'convey' in the Merge glossary term is worrisome because of that. But "transfer" has too much baggage when used in proximity to data handling.) Bamaustin (talk) 03:15, 20 November 2024 (UTC)

Yes it should be "Reorder" in keeping with the rest of Gramps ( note the previous person removed a comment voting for 'Reorder' also, so other person don't be shy all voices need to be heard, just be nicer about it please ) CallMeDave (talk) 07:30, 20 November 2024 (UTC)
Discussion on Github about "addon" "add-on" etc you can see that Nick Hall mentions "As long as we are consistent I don't really mind." so in this case it means "reorder" wins the day! Gioto (talk) 20:03, 20 November 2024 (UTC)
Reorder it is then, do we have a volunteer to change it here and on discourse? Daleathan (talk) 00:35, 22 November 2024 (UTC)