Talk:GEPS 024: Natural transcription of Records
Some alternate interfaces for records management and print
- Gedcom Census
- Screenshots of census1836
- gcensus
- 1901 Canadian Census Workbench
- ExpoActes
- Nimègue
- saisieacte
- visuactes
- Actes
- rsao
- Adam
- Transcript
- Recens
- GeneaSaisie
- Gwintree
- openBMD
- LinBMD
See also
- Event oriented: Events manager into gramps and gramps-connect!
- Source oriented: Tellico <=> Gramps XML
- Record oriented: Experimental samples on feature request #5552
Template limitations
- Model is not the same according to period.
- In France there is some forms for civil certificates (birth-death-marriage-censuses) or religious events (baptism-burial-marriage-listings, common religious events), there is some variations but the more accessible and common (civil) is used from 1810 to 1830 (then after 1870). Else template is free: could be two lines or four pages ! --Romjerome 06:31, 4 December 2010 (EST)
- Model is not the same according to country.
- My genealogical searchs (most in France) sound like searchs for Swedish/Norvegian people: some free access to original online documents (stored on archives/repositories) and transcriptions. --Romjerome 06:31, 4 December 2010 (EST)
eg, For the Aube country in France (country n°10 ).
A society (association of people) provides event transcriptions, with access for members or free. Aube Archives (10) provides an online access to genealogical sources and is hosting collaborative indexes (links). One global template cannot match to all these needs: specific features for detailled analyses and numerical records.
Commercial web sites like Ancestry often use the word collections for certificates transcriptions.
They also have immigration and travels entries (USA history).