Page history
16 October 2014
31 August 2012
→¿Que hago si encuentro un error en el programa?: Spelling fix
→¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una residencia y una dirección?: Better title
→Adding to and editing my database: Initial translation
→Bugs and requests: Initial translation
→Why is the database format (GRDB) not portable?: Initial translation
Portátil -> Transportable (the first is easy to transport, the second that it can be transported at all, so it is a better match)
30 August 2012
→What does "portable" mean?: Initial translation
→Database - Gramps file formats: Partial update
→I would like to contribute to Gramps by writing my favorite report. How do I do that?: Initial translation
→¿Por qué se salen como basura los caracteres no latinos en los reportes PDF/PS?: Spelling fix
m→Why are non-Latin characters displayed as garbage in PDF/PS reports?: Initial translation
→Can I create custom reports/filters/whatever?: Initial translation
→Is Gramps compatible with the Internet?: Initial translation
→How can I change the default language in reports?: Initial translation
→Reports: Partial translation
→Colaboración-Portabilidad: Initial translation
→Collaboration-Portability: Partial translation
→Is Gramps compatible with other genealogical software?: Initial translation
→Preferencias: Initial translation
→How do I upgrade Gramps?: Initial translation
→What are the Minimum Specs to run Gramps?: Initial translation
→Does Gramps work on the Mac?: Initial translation
→Does Gramps work on Windows?
→Installation: Partial translation
→Does Gramps support Unicode fonts?: Initial translation
→How do I keep backups?: Initial translation
→¿Existe Gramps en otros idiomas?: Fix template call
m→Does Gramps exist in other languages?
→Where do I get it and how much does it cost?: Initial translation
→What is Gramps?: Initial translation
Initial version to start translation