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Ajouter un sondage à votre article

Add it centrally

To get more people to vote, add your poll to User polls. This has the advantage a casual visitor can glance several polls, and vote for more than one at the same time, making the data you collect more valuable

Comment ?

L'ajout d'un sondage est vraiment très simple. Il sufit d'ajouter :

<poll domain=intl>
 Réponse 1
 Réponse 2
 Réponse 3

Vous pouvez ajouter autant de réponses que vous le souhaitez. Voici quelques éléments à garder à l'esprit cependant : la clé du scrutin est la question, changez la question, même une seule lettre, et vous avez un nouveau sondage! Alors vérifiez soigneusement la question avant de l'enregistrer.

That's it?

Actually, you best add to User polls a bit of context to your poll, with also a link to the page you use the poll on.

How to include a poll

To include the poll in an article, you use inclusion. You denote the poll on User polls with a section:

<section begin=pollkey /> ... here comes the poll ...
 <section end=pollkey />

Where you chose something meaningfull for pollkey.

You can then include everything denoted by the section in another page, with for example:

 <div style="width:100%" valign="top">
 {{#lst:User polls|pollkey}}


Note: apparently including the poll also includes a whitespace before the poll box. I am not aware of a method to disable this.