adding a poll to your article
Add it centrally
To get more people to vote, add your poll to User polls. This has the advantage a casual visitor can glance several polls, and vote for more than one at the same time, making the data you collect more valuable
Adding a poll is actually enormously simple. Just add:
<poll domain=intl> Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 </poll>
You can add as many answers as you like. Some things to keep in mind though: the key of the poll is the Question, change the Question, even one letter, and you have a new poll! So check carefully the question if it's ok before saving.
That's it?
Actually, you best add to User polls a bit of context to your poll, with also a link to the page you use the poll on.
How to include a poll
To include the poll in an article, you use inclusion. You denote the poll on User polls with a section:
<section begin=pollkey /> ... here comes the poll ... <section end=pollkey />
Where you chose something meaningfull for pollkey.
You can then include everything denoted by the section in another page, with for example:
<div style="width:100%" valign="top"> {{#lst:User polls|pollkey}} </div>
Note: apparently including the poll also includes a whitespace before the poll box. I am not aware of a method to disable this.