Fi:Gramps 5.1 Wiki-käyttöohje - Raportit Osa 7
Takaisin Raportit -osion alkuun.
This section describes the Web Pages reports, Narrated Web Site and Web Calendar as part of the different reports available in Gramps.
Web Pages
Narrated Web Site
The Narrated Web Site report generates a web site (that is, a set of linked web pages), for a set of selected individuals and provides the user with options that allow a wide range of customization. You can run this report via the menu Reports-->Web Pages-->Narrated Web Site....
The Narrated Web Site report creates pages that closely follow the World Wide Web Consortium’s Recommendations for XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 1. These recommendations include a separation of content from presentation. Due to this practice, the style and appearance of the new web pages can be completely controlled from one CSS stylesheet without altering individual pages.
Introduction pages can be added to provide additional information, such as a family history.
Genealogy records can generate a lot of files. Many web servers have a difficult time with a large number of files in a single directory. The Narrated Web report strives to keep the number of files per directory to a manageable level. To do this, a hierarchy of directories is created. The generated file names are not intuitive, but are unique for each person. Subsequent runs will generate identical file names, making it easy to update specific files.
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Generating Pages... When you select the OK button, the generation of the web pages will start. So first check all options on the each of the dialog tabs |
Dialog tabs
The Narrated Web Site report dialog has the following tabs:
Report Options
- Store web pages in .tar.gz archive (Checkbox unchecked by default) If you have trouble transferring the files to an external web host, you can create a single gzip'd tar file to more easily upload the data. The large number of files and directories in this web output may make it difficult to transfer the files to an external web host. Gramps has the capability of saving all of your Narrative Web files in one compressed archive using the gzip and tar formats (casually known as a ‘tarball’). This single file can quickly be transferred to your server and uncompressed on the website host. Unfortunately not all web servers support saving web files in this way, so contact your hosting provider for more information.
- Destination: (
~/yourhomedirectory/<Family Tree Name>+NAVWEB
default) The destination directory for the web files. - Web site title: (
My Family Tree
default) The title of the web site. You can enter a custom site title in this option. Strongly suggested you change this from the default - Filter: (Any person matching this filter who is not excluded due to the privacy rules, will be included in the output.) choose between
- Entire Database (Default)
- Descendants of active person
- Descendant families of active person
- Ancestors of active person
- People with common ancestor with active person
- Filter Person: The center person for the report. (defaults to Active person)
- Living People How to handle living people. You can control the display of sensitive information based on whether or not an individual is currently alive. However, since Gramps is a research tool, it is likely that there are individuals with no known date of death in your database. To deduce if an individual is possibly still alive Gramps employs an algorithm that compares death dates, birth dates, baptism/christening dates, death dates of ancestors and birth dates of ancestors. The algorithm assumes that each individual is possibly still alive unless the cross-referenced dates make the individual’s possibility of being alive unlikely.
- Exclude – (Default) Excludes all information of all individuals who are possibly still alive
- Include Last Name Only
- Include Full Name Only
- Include – Include all information of all individuals even if they are possibly still alive
- Years from death to consider living: (
default) This option is inactive if the "Living People" option is set to Include.
- Include data marked private: Whether to include private objects. If your intention is to provide a complete record of your research, checking this box will include all entries marked private along with the rest of your database. (checkbox unchecked by default)
Html options
- File extension: The file extension to be used for the web files. Choose between .html(default)/.htm/.shtml/.php/.php3/.cgi
- Copyright: (Standard copyright default) When creating a public a web site it is important to specify the copyright conditions under which you are publishing your data. International copyright law reserves all rights of your data to your discretion. You own the data and individuals must have your permission if they wish to reuse that data. In genealogical research sharing data with other researchers is a common practice. Other options include the Creative Commons licenses, offering a wide range of use restrictions or none at all. Learn more about the Creative Commons at
- Stylesheet: Gramps provides seven built in style sheets for you to choose from to determine the appearance or your web pages. Choose between Basic (Ash, Blue, Cypress, Lilac, Peach or Spruce color schemes), Mainz, or Nebraska styles. There is also the option of not including a stylesheet (No style sheet). Regardless of the style you choose, the style sheet can be found in
. You may edit this file to further customize the appearance of your web pages. If you make modifications to your style sheet be aware that regenerating your pages with the same output destination will overwrite your custom style sheet. To preserve your custom style sheet through subsequent web page updates select No style sheet. If you want your own stylesheet, you can copy one of the existing stylesheet in $HOME/.gramps/css/. This directory doesn't exist. You must create it before copying your future stylesheet. Change its name. If you ask for a new report, this new stylesheet will be added to the list of preexisting stylesheets. - Navigation Menu Layout: Choose which layout for the Navigation Menus. (Only available for selected Stylesheets)
- Horizontal -- Default
- Vertical -- Left Side
- Fade -- Webkit Browsers Only
- Drop-Down -- Webkit Browsers Only
- Citation Referents Layout: Determine the default layout for the Source Page's Citation Referents section
- Normal Outline Style (Default)
- Drop-Down -- Webkit Browsers Only
- Include ancestor's tree: Checking this box will include an ancestor graph on each individual’s detail page if they have defined ancestors in your database. (checkbox checked by default)
- Graph generations :This option is inactive if the "Include ancestor graph" option is not checked. The default number of generations shown in the ancestor graphs is
with options of 2, 3, 4 or 5. The individuals represented in the ancestor graphs are the same individuals whose information is provided elsewhere in your web pages. - This is a secure site (https) (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Name Format: Select the format to display the names. Choose from Surname, Given Suffix / Given Surname Suffix / Given / Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix / SURNAME, Given (Common)
- Suppress Gramps ID: This option determines whether to include the Gramps ID of objects in your web page output. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Sort all children in birth order(checkbox unchecked by default)
Page Generation
The following options can be set to generate three supplemental pages: Home, Introduction and Contact(Publisher Contact). From this tab you can also assign Media or Notes items to each page. By default no content (media or text) is assigned to these pages. Content for these pages must originate as Media or Notes items that you have previously created. If the desired items have already been added to your database you will be able to choose them from a list of Notes or Image Objects.
- Home Page note: Display an individual Note of your choice.
- Home Page images: Display an individual Media Object of your choice.
- Introduction note: Display an individual Note of your choice.
- Introduction image: Display an individual Media Object of your choice.
- Publisher Contact note: Display an individual Note of your choice. Please use the Publisher contact page with caution if you are publishing your web pages on a publicly accessible web server.
- Publisher Contact image: Display an individual Media Object of your choice.Please use the Publisher contact page with caution if you are publishing your web pages on a publicly accessible web server.
- HTML user header: Display an individual Note of your choice. This text will appear directly below the site title on every web page.
- HTML user footer: Display an individual Note of your choice. This text will appear within the footer, above the copyright statement on every web page.
Image Generation
- Include images and media objects This option determines whether to include/exclude a gallery of media objects on your website. (checkbox checked by default)
- Include unused images and media objects This option determines whether to include/exclude a gallery of unused media objects on your website. (checkbox checked by default)
- Create and only use thumbnail- sized images : This option allows you to create only thumbnail images instead of full-sized images on the Media Page. This will allow you to have a much smaller total upload size to your web hosting site. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Max width of initial image: (
default) This allows you to set the maximum width of the image (in pixels) shown on the media page. Set to 0 for no limit. - Max height of initial image: (
default) This allows you to set the maximum height of the image (in pixels) shown on the media page. Set to 0 for no limit.

Note that image reference regions are also displayed in the Narrative Web HTML pages created with Gramps. There are no special options necessary for this feature, other than the existence of reference regions for 1 or more images. Narrative Web displays reference regions for people and place objects only.
- Include download page: Whether to include a database download option. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Download Filename: Select the file to be used for downloading of database.
- Description for download: (
Smith Family Tree
default) Give a description for this file. - Download Filename: Select the file to be used for downloading of database.
- Description for download:(
Johnson Family Tree
default) Give a description for this file.
Advanced Options
These settings address the amount of information displayed on the Surname detail and Individual index web pages.
- Character set encoding: The encoding to be used for the web files.
- Unicode UTF-8 (recommended) (Default)
- ISO-8859-1
- ISO-8859-2
- ISO-8859-3
- ISO-8859-4
- ISO-8859-5
- ISO-8859-6
- ISO-8859-7
- ISO-8859-8
- ISO-8859-9
- ISO-8859-10
- ISO-8859-13
- ISO-8859-14
- ISO-8859-15
- koi8_r
- Include link to active person on every page: (If they have a webpage) (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include a column for birth dates on the index pages(checkbox checked by default)
- Include a column for death dates on the index pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include a column for partners on the index pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include a column for parents on the index pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include half and/ or step-siblings on the individual pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include family pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include event pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include repository pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include GENDEX file (/gendex.txt). This option creates a GENDEX file placed at the top of the website. You can see sites which support this format and read more about it at the GENDEX Wikipedia article.)(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include address book pages(checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include the statistics page(checkbox unchecked by default)
Place Map Options
- Map Service: Choose your choice of map service for creating the Place Map Pages
- OpenStreetMap (default)
- Include Place map on Place Pages: Whether to include a place map on the Place Pages, where Latitude/ Longitude are available. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Include Family Map Pages with all places shown on the map: Whether or not to add an individual page map showing all the places on this page. This will allow you to see how your family traveled around the country. (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Google/ FamilyMap Option: Select which option that you would like to have for the Google Maps Family map pages...
- Family Links (default)
- Drop
- Markers
- Google maps API key:
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To get a "Google maps API key:" visit as a cost may be involved as well as the use of a credit card |
Other inclusion (CMS, Web Calendar, Php)
See also:
- Howto:_Make_a_genealogy_website_with_Gramps#Integration_of_NarrativeWeb_in_a_CMS_or_MVS
- Feature request 5530 Integration of the Narrative Web Site into a CMS or MVC
Example Web Site output
The following sections show the default appearance of web pages the Narrative Website web page report.
(optional page)
(optional page)
(default page)
(default page)
(optional page)
(optional page)
(default page)
(default page)
(optional page)
(default page)
(default page)
(optional page)
Address Book
(optional page)
(optional page)
Web Calendar
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Note There are no links from the Narrated Web Site Report back to the Web Calendar Report. |
The Web Calendar shows events for the selected individuals on a set of monthly calendars. You can run this report via the menu Reports-->Web Pages-->Web Calendar....
There are options to filter the individuals, to choose which years to include (by default, only the current year is included); whether to include only living people and whether to include birthdays or anniversaries or both; notes can be included on monthly pages and abbreviated pages can be included.
The report is designed to work with the Narrative Web Site Report. There is a 'Home' link on each page to the home page of the Narrative Web Site Report. There is also an option to include links from the individuals on the calendar to the same individual on the Narrated Web Site.
Working with the Narrated Web Site Report requires that the two reports have been constructed in a compatible way by the user. There is no automated check that the two are compatible. If the pages are not compatible, then the user will likely get a 'Page not found' error.
Compatibility depends on:
- Including the same individuals in the two reports,
- Storing the pages in compatible directories.
In order to include the same individuals in the two reports, the same filters should be used, and similar options with regard to including living individuals (the Web Calendar does not have an option to remove 'private' information).
By default, the Narrated Web Site Report is stored in the directory "~/<Family Tree Name>+NAVWEB
", and by default the Web Calendar is stored in the directory "~/<Family Tree Name>+WEBCAL
". If these defaults are retained, then the various links should work properly. If the directories have been changed, then the 'Home link' under the 'Content Options' and the 'Link prefix' under the 'Advanced Options' will need to be changed accordingly.
If the Web Calendar is to be used without an associated Narrative Web Site, then the text in the 'Home link' under the 'Content Options' should be deleted to ensure that no 'Home' link is generated.
Dialog tabs
The Web Calendar report dialog window Narrated Web Site has five tabs each are reviewed below.
Report Options
- Destination:
~/yourhomedirectory/<Family Tree Name>+WEBCAL
The destination directory for the web files. - Calendar Title: (
My Family Calendar
default) The title of the calendar. - Filter: choose between
- Entire Database (Default)
- Descendants of active person
- Descendant families of active person
- Ancestors of active person
- People with common ancestor with active person
- Filter Person: The center person for the filter. (Default: Active person)
- File extension: The extension to be used for the web files.
- .html (Default)
- .htm
- .shtml
- .php
- .php3
- .cgi
- Copyright: The copyright to be used for the web files.
- Standard copyright (Default)
- Creative Commons - By attribution
- Creative Commons - By attribution, No derivations
- Creative Commons - By attribution, Share-alike
- Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-Commercial
- Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-Commercial, No derivations
- Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike
- No copyright notice
- StyleSheet: The stylesheet to be used for the web pages.
- Basic-Ash (Default)
- Basic-Blue
- Basic-Cypress
- Basic-Lilac
- Basic-Peach
- Basic-Spruce
- Mainz
- Nebraska
- No style sheet
- Visually Impaired
Report Options (2)
- Name format: Select the format to display the names. Choose from Surname, Given Suffix(default) / Given Surname Suffix / Given / Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix / SURNAME, Given (Common)
Content Options
- Create multiple year calendars (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Start Year for the Calendar(s): (Defaults to current year)
- End Year for the Calendars(s): (Defaults to current year)
- Country for holidays: Select the country to see associated holidays. (Defaults to blank)
- First day of week: Select the first day of the week for the calendar. (Default: Sunday)
- Birthday surname: Select married women's displayed surname.
- Wives use their own surname (Default)
- Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)
- Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)
- Home link: (
../../Family Tree 1_NAVWEB/index.html
default) The link to be included to direct the user to main page of the web site. - Include birthdays (checkbox checked by default)
- Include anniversaries (checkbox checked by default)
Jan - Jun Notes
Select an existing note for the month.
- January Note:
- February Note:
- March Note:
- April Note:
- May Note:
- June Note:
Jul - Dec Notes
Select an existing note for the month:
- July Note:
- August Note:
- September Note:
- October Note:
- November Note:
- December Note:
Advanced Options
- Character set encoding: The encoding to be used for the web files
- Unicode UTF-8 (recommended) (Default)
- ISO-8859-1
- ISO-8859-2
- ISO-8859-3
- ISO-8859-4
- ISO-8859-5
- ISO-8859-6
- ISO-8859-7
- ISO-8859-8
- ISO-8859-9
- ISO-8859-10
- ISO-8859-13
- ISO-8859-14
- ISO-8859-15
- koi8_r
- Create "Year At A Glance" Calendar (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance Calendar (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Link to Narrated Web Report (checkbox unchecked by default)
- Link prefix:
../../Family Tree 1_NAVWEB/
A Prefix on the links to take you to Narrated Web Report.
- Link prefix:
Example Web Site output
Back to Index of Reports.
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Special copyright notice: All edits to this page need to be under two different copyright licenses:
These licenses allow the Gramps project to maximally use this wiki manual as free content in future Gramps versions. If you do not agree with this dual license, then do not edit this page. You may only link to other pages within the wiki which fall only under the GFDL license via external links (using the syntax: []), not via internal links. |