GEPS 045: Place Model Enhancements - Place Changes Screenshots

From Gramps

Example screenshots of the inprogress work for GEPS 045: Place Model Enhancements as part of the future Gramps 5.2 Roadmap development

Expanded Place Type Menu

Types adm0.png

By default the standard Gramps place types are shown in a single level menu.

  • Country *
  • Province *
  • Region *
  • State *
  • Department *
  • District *
  • County *
  • Parish *
  • City *
  • Municipality *
  • Borough *
  • Building *
  • Farm *
  • Hamlet *
  • Locality *
  • Neighborhood *
  • Town *
  • Village *

When additional types are added via GetGOV or manually, they are added to sub-menus, identified by their place groups. For example the second screen grab shows several new types in the Countries group.

Enhanced Place Format Editor

Place format editor.png


These now support:

  • multiple place formats (like before)
  • each format supports a hierarchy type Hierarchy and Language, and allows display order reversal Reverse Display Order.
  • each format can have multiple rules, which can be added, removed and reordered (order is executed top to bottom)
  • each rule can apply to all places, or just one place (useful for country specific rules). Where field allows the user to restrict the formatting to a given part of the place hierarchy.
  • each rule can apply to a place Group, Type, or the street/number (What)
  • For Group rules, you can select the Group from the standard and custom groups
  • for Type rules, you can select the Type from the standard and custom types
  • for the Group or Type rules, you can choose to display All, largest, or smallest of matching types, or hide them.
  • for the Group or Type rules, you can choose to show an abbreviation from the abbreviation types, or the first available abbreviation type, or None (which shows the associated name, instead of the abbreviation).
  • for street/number rules you can choose to display street/number, number/street, or Hidden
  • The Place Formats are stored in the db as well as in a configuration file. So db specific rules with custom place types or place specific rules ("where") don't change for the current tree. When starting a new tree, the previous place format rules are available for the new tree. The place format configuration file is saved on closing the place format editor.

Preferences Place Type configuration

PrefPlaceType 1.png

This addition to the Preferences dialog allows the user to:

  • Shows the place type list on left side, along with used indication, and a description
  • Shows place groups for selected Place Type on right side
  • An Entry at top right allows the Place Type name to be changed
  • The Groups are shown as check boxes, which can be changed
  • There is a search box at bottom of dialog
  • You can add new types via the Add button at bottom
  • You can remove types that are not used and are not standard
  • You can hide types (from type selection combobox menus) with the Hide button.
  • You can add new Groups via a right-click over one of the current Group checkbox items
  • You can remove Groups via a right-click over one of the current Group checkbox items
  • You can rename Groups via a right-click over one of the current Group checkbox items
  • The customized place type/group information is stored in the current db and so applies to only a specific tree.
  • The customized place type/group information is stored in the XML for backup.

Two images are shown, the first is in English, the second illustrates that the Description field of the table shows the English version of the place types. Since the types can be renamed, this allows the user to determine the original name.

Place Name and Abbreviation Editors

Name editor.png
Abbrev editor.png

Place Type Editor

Type editor.png