GEPS 043: Improving GEDCOM support for Places

From Gramps

Related Bugs

  • 688 (support GEDCOM 5.5EL) <== The big one
  • 10160 (export of Place with ADDR)
  • 8699 (Blank Place when only ADDR is present)
  • 8322 Some SW exports address details in ADDR field and rest in PLAC
  • 8349 Compliant about lack of import/export of hierarchies


Goal: avoid data loss

Note: This has been updated in anticipation of the GEPS 045: Place Model Enhancements, we now assume that we can store much more of this into the Gramps enhanced places. Since it is not easily possible to separate the two GEPS, the commits for this GEPS is included in the GEPS045 work!


Current situation

Place Name and Title fields are always stored the same unless otherwise noted.

Places are matched by title to avoid duplicates, which works ok for places imported, less so for places already present in db.

  • Case: raw PLAC (no FORM or ADDR)
    Imported as Gramps place, type 'Unknown' no attempt to parse into city, state, etc.
  • Case: PLAC with FORM
    Imported by force fitting into Location Object, and then converting Location Object to Gramps place. The various levels are used to create multiple places with appropriate enclosed by settings. Downside, any place types not recognized by the importer are lost, and some types are poorly converted to (City <= town, Municipality etc.). Postal code (when recognized) is put into the Place code field, and doesn't participate in enclosed by level.
    Place Title is Place name and then ',' separated enclosed by place names. Place Name is top level name. Place Type is top level (first) type.
    Places are matched by title to avoid duplicates, which works ok for places imported, less so for places already present in db.
  • Case: ADDR with no PLAC
    Imported as place, name from ADDR, type 'Address', no enclosure, and ADDR stuff in Alt Location object
  • Case: ADDR then PLAC, no FORM, PLAC not previously encountered (order important)
    Imported as place, name from PLAC, type 'Address', no enclosure, and ADDR stuff in Alt Location object
  • Case: ADDR then PLAC, no FORM, ADDR/PLAC previously encountered (order important)
    Previously encountered place is reused
  • Case: ADDR then PLAC, no FORM, PLAC previously encountered (order important)
    Added to previously encountered place, and ADDR stuff in Alt Location object. Note that if more than one ADDR/PLAC combination is found, doesn’t matter if ADDR is different, we overwrite the Alt Location object, losing the earlier ADDR info.
  • Case: PLAC then ADDR, no FORM, neither previously encountered (order important)
    Two places created, one from the ADDR, type 'Detail', the second enclosing the first from the PLAC, type 'Unknown'.
  • Case: PLAC then ADDR, no FORM, PLAC previously encountered (order important). Doesn't matter if ADDR portion of PLAC/ADDR combination was previously encountered.
    A new place created from the ADDR, type 'Detail', the previously encountered enclosing place was referenced. (Probably should find and use a previously encountered place type 'detail' that matches, but this does not happen).

There are probably other cases, but as you can see we have a bit of a mess.


  • We don't recognize duplicate ADDR, type 'Detail' records.
  • We lose data if multiple records with ADDR preceding PLAC, with matching PLAC occur, only last encountered is kept.
  • We are utilizing the deprecated 'Alt Location' of our place structure.


  1. ) Support GEDCOM EL extensions for PLAC._LOC, and a few others related to places.
  2. ) Use only one mechanism for ADDR records. Do away with Place, type 'Details' and, Location Object (place Alt Location).
    • It has been suggested that Gramps developers want to deprecate the Location (Alt Location) structure of our place object. In this case the proposal is to convert stand-alone event ADDR to places with Type 'Address'. Events that also have the PLAC tag would create a place with Type 'Address' from ADDR data and then create a second (enclosing) place from PLAC data. In either case, the ADDR data would be converted to a single line of comma separated elements (if not already available).
  3. ) Don't force fit PLAC.FORM records to Location objects, just make appropriate places with type as value from the FORM. Enclosed by hierarchy defined by GEDCOM 5.5.1 FORM. Postal codes are expected after 'country' level and don't participate in enclosed by hierarchy, but should be recognized if at another position. Have found another file with {2 FORM Town, Area code, County, Region, Country, Subdivision} for example, which needs to work.
    The following Example would create a Gramps place, Named '123 Main', type 'Street' with code '77375' enclosed by
    another Gramps place, Named 'Houston', type 'City' enclosed by
    another Gramps place, Named 'Harris Co', type 'County' etc.
        1 RESI
        2 PLAC 123 Main, Houston, Harris Co., Texas, USA, 77375
        3 FORM Street, City, County, State, Country, Postal Code


  • Location xref (_LOC.TYPE) record for place type seems likely to allow an enormous list of types. Far more than the current Gramps PlaceType list. We import them as Custom Gramps types, but that has poor results for internationalization. The GEPS045 work allows place types to be renamed, and also shows the original GOV place type number as part of the Preferences/Place Types configuration panel.
  • Location xref (_LOC) structure allows multiple postal codes, with a date for each. Gramps now supports Place Attributes where we can store the postal code. The Attributes DO NOT support a date, so a date, if any, is added to the attribute value (Example: "12345; Date: 2011-04-05").
  • Gramps has no direct support of _GOV, since the GetGOV Gramplet has decided to store the GOV ID in the Gramps ID field of a place, the _GOV entry will do the same.
  • The _DMGD tag also has a _DMGD.DATE and _MDGD.TYPE fields. The associated demographic data will be placed in an Attribute value, with the date and type, if any, added to the attribute value (Example: "12345; Date: 2011-04-05; Type:Population").
  • The _AIDN tag also has a _AIDN.DATE and _AIDN.TYPE fields. The associated Administrative data will be placed in an Attribute value, with the date and type, if any, added to the attribute value (Example: "County Precinct 4; Date: 2011-04-05; Type:Precinct").
  • The potential exists for place names defined in ADDR, PLAC, and _LOC records to be different. If this occurs, then multiple Gramps alt place names will be set for the place. The primary name will be set from the _LOC record.
  • The potential exists for certain items to be defined both in the PLAC and _LOC records (where the GEDCOM L specification says they should be in the _LOC record). If this occurs, both the PLAC.FORM and the _LOC versions of hierarchy will be imported into the Gramps place.


In embedded PLAC records the following is in the GEDCOM L standard. This proposal suggests that items labeled 'new' be imported by Gramps.

+1 FONE <PLACE_PHONETIC_VARIATION> {0:M}    New (1,2) Note
+2 TYPE <PHONETIC_TYPE> {1:1}               New (1,2) Note
+2 TYPE <ROMANIZED_TYPE> {1:1}              New (1,2) Note
+1 MAP {0:1}
+1 _LOC @<XREF:_LOC>@                       New cross ref to _LOC
+1 _GOV <GOV_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}              Stored in Gramps ID for the place
+1 _POST <POSTAL_CODE> {0:M}                New Place Attribute, type 'Postal'
+2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  New appended to place Attribute value
+1 _FPOST <FOKO_POSTCODE> {0:M}             New, already deprecated, not supported
+1 _MAIDENHEAD <MAIDENHEAD_LOCATOR> {0:1}   New Place Attribute, type 'Maidenhead Locator'
+1 _FSTAE <FOKO_TERRITORY_IDENTIFIER> {0:1} New, already deprecated, not supported
+1 _FCTRY <FOKO_STATE_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}     New , already deprecated, not supported

1) Since Gramps Places don't have Attributes, I propose that these items be placed in a single Gramps note (one per place (or place reference in the Event)). The note will have the various GEDCOM fields and the contents included.

2) If the _LOC is present, these are also expected in the _LOC structure. Between both structures and in some cases multiple copies, a duplicate avoidance strategy is used. If the sub-record is the same as one already present in the note, it is dropped. If different, it will be added.

The cross referenced _LOC record is defined below and is entirely new. While these are expected at the end of the GEDCOM file per the EL agreement, Gramps can support them at any position.

0 @<XREF:_LOC>@ _LOC
1 NAME <PLACE_NAME> {1:M}                  Place Name
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceName Date
2 _NAMC <PLACE_NAME_ADDITION> {0:1}        Note (1)
2 ABBR <ABBREVIATION_OF_NAME> {0:M}        Place PlaceName PlaceAbbrev
3 TYPE <TYPE_OF_ABBREVIATION> {0:1}        Place PlaceName PlaceAbbrev PlaceAbbrevType
2 LANG <LANGUAGE_ID> {0:1}                 Place PlaceName Language
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceName Citation
1 TYPE <TYPE_OF_LOCATION> {0:M}            Place PlaceType
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceType Date
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceType Citation
1 _FPOST <FOKO_POSTCODE> {0:M}             Deprecated, not supported
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}}                 Deprecated, not supported
1 _POST <POSTAL_CODE> {0:M}                Place PlaceAttribute
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  appended to Place PlaceAttribute Value
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceAttribute Citation
1 _GOV <GOV_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}              Stored in Gramps ID for the place
1 _FSTAE <FOKO_TERRITORY_IDENTIFIER> {0:1} Deprecated, not supported
1 _FCTRY <FOKO_STATE_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}     Deprecated, not supported
1 MAP {0:1}
2 LATI <PLACE_LATITUDE> {1:1}              Place Latitude
2 LONG <PLACE_LONGITUDE> {1:1}             Place Longitude
1 _MAIDENHEAD <MAIDENHEAD_LOCATOR> {0:1}   Place PlaceAttribute
1 EVEN [<EVENT_DESCRIPTOR>|<NULL>] {0:M}   Place EventRef
2 <<EVENT_DETAIL>> {0:1}                   Event
1 _LOC @<XREF:_LOC>@ 0:M                   Place PlaceRef (Enclosed)
2 TYPE <HIERARCHICAL_RELATIONSHIP> {1:1}   Place PlaceRef PlaceHierType
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceRef Date
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceRef Citation
1 _DMGD <DEMOGRAPHICAL_DATA> {0:M}         Place PlaceAttribute
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  appended to Place PlaceAttribute Value
2 TYPE <TYPE_OF_DEMOGRAPICAL_DATA> 1:1     appended to Place PlaceAttribute Value
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceAttribute Citation
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  appended to Place PlaceAttribute Value
2 TYPE <TYPE_OF_ADMINISTRATIVE_IDENTIFIER> {1:1}      appended to Place PlaceAttribute Value
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceAttribute Citation
1 <<CHANGE_DATE>> {0:1}

1) Since Gramps Places don't have Attributes, I propose that these items be placed in a single Gramps note (one per place). The note will have the various GEDCOM fields and the contents included. When there are multiple possible similar notes (place name notes, enclosed by notes) the associated place Name or enclosed Gramps_ID (as a StyledText xref) will be included in the local heading.


Current situation

Addresses attached to submitter, persons, repos, etc. are exported as ADDR record.

Events are exported with BOTH PLAC and ADDR records. The ADDR record uses CITY, STAE, CTRY sub records to build a place hierarchy.

Places export with the PLAC.NAME filled in with the Gramps Title field, the contents depending on the Preferences/Places/Automatic Place Title setting.

Places with Lat/Lon correctly export this info.

Places with 'code' export this in the ADDR structure.

Places with Alt-Locations; the Alt-Locations are NOT exported. These are expected to be deprecated soon.


  • ADDR structure is not legal GEDCOM. No first line.
  • PLAC.NAME etc. should not depend on automatic title generation setting.
  • While exporting ADDR and PLAC is arguably legal, it is redundant.
  • No attempt to export place alt name, enclosure, place type, date, language, URL, citations, media information.


  1. Support PLAC.FORM. Use the Gramps enclosure information to create full comma separated PLAC.NAME and PLAC.FORM filled out from the Gramps place type. Postal Code from place attribute at end of list when present. PLAC.FORM will be included with each PLAC, NOT in header, since Gramps is not guaranteed to have consistent place types.
  2. Support PLAC._LOC and _LOC xref. This, while not standard GEDCOM is defined by GEDCOM L and is legal under standard GEDCOM. So it should be safe for other programs to import, even if they don't support it. This can encode several Gramps structures as detailed below.
  3. Export places of Type Address as an ADDR record.
  4. Place names for export no longer depend on preferences.


The following would be exported at each Event. We include PLAC.FORM for compatibility, and also include PLAC._LOC for more complete export.

n PLAC <PLACE_NAME> {1:1}                   Primary place name
+1 FORM <PLACE_HIERARCHY> {0:1}             Place type
+2 TYPE <PHONETIC_TYPE> {1:1}               Not used
+2 TYPE <ROMANIZED_TYPE> {1:1}              Not used
+1 MAP {0:1}                                When LAT/LON are present
+2 LATI <PLACE_LATITUDE> {1:1}              Place Latitude
+2 LONG <PLACE_LONGITUDE> {1:1}             Place Longitude
+1 _LOC @<XREF:_LOC>@                       cross ref (Gramps place ID)
+1 _GOV <GOV_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}              Exported if Gramps ID looks like a GOV ID
+1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M}                 When notes are present

This is the new _LOC structure.

0 @<XREF:_LOC>@ _LOC                       Gramps place ID
1 NAME <PLACE_NAME> {1:M}                  Place PlaceName (1)
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceName Date
2 _NAMC <PLACE_NAME_ADDITION> {0:1}        Not used
2 ABBR <ABBREVIATION_OF_NAME> {0:M}        Place PlaceName PlaceAbbrev
3 TYPE <TYPE_OF_ABBREVIATION> {0:1}        Place PlaceName PlaceAbbrev PlaceAbbrevType
2 LANG <LANGUAGE_ID> {0:1}                 Place PlaceName Language
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceName Citation
1 TYPE <TYPE_OF_LOCATION> {0:M}            Place PlaceType
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceType Date
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceType Citation
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}}                 Not used
1 _POST <POSTAL_CODE> {0:M}                Place Attribute of AttributeType:POSTAL
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  extracted from Place Attribute Value if present
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place Attribute Citation
1 _GOV <GOV_IDENTIFIER> {0:1}              Exported if Gramps ID looks like a GOV ID
1 MAP {0:1}                                When LAT/LON are present
2 LATI <PLACE_LATITUDE> {1:1}              Place Latitude
2 LONG <PLACE_LONGITUDE> {1:1}             Place Longitude
1 _MAIDENHEAD <MAIDENHEAD_LOCATOR> {0:1}   Place Attribute of AttributeType:MAIDN
1 EVEN [<EVENT_DESCRIPTOR>|<NULL>] {0:M}   Place EventRef
2 <<EVENT_DETAIL>> {0:1}                   Event
1 _LOC @<XREF:_LOC>@ 0:M                   Enclosed Place Reference (2)
2 TYPE <HIERARCHICAL_RELATIONSHIP> {1:1}   Place PlaceRef PlaceHierType
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  Place PlaceRef Date
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place PlaceRef Citation
1 _DMGD <DEMOGRAPHICAL_DATA> {0:M}         Place Attribute of AttributeType:DMGD
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  extracted from Place Attribute Value if present
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place Attribute Citation
2 TYPE <TYPE_OF_DEMOGRAPICAL_DATA> 1:1     extracted from Place Attribute Value if present
1 _AIDN <ADMINISTRATIVE_IDENTIFIER> {0:M}  Place Attribute of AttributeType:AIDN
2 DATE <DATE_VALUE> {0:1}                  extracted from Place Attribute Value if present
2 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                Place Attribute Citation
2 TYPE <TYPE_OF_ADMINISTRATIVE_IDENTIFIER> {1:1} extracted from Place Attribute Value if present
1 <<MULTIMEDIA_LINK>> {0:M}                When Media are present
1 <<NOTE_STRUCTURE>> {0:M}                 When Notes are present
1 <<SOURCE_CITATION>> {0:M}                When Citations are present
1 <<CHANGE_DATE>> {0:1}                    Always 

1) When there are Alt names present, the _LOC.NAME and subsidiary records are repeated, one for each Alt name. The Primary name is first.

2) When 'Enclosed by' references are present, this points to the associated _LOC records.


  1. GEDCOM L recommends that when 'user defined tags' (those that are preceded by an '_') are present, that an explanation of these tags is placed in the header of the exported GEDCOM file as a Schema. I was unable to find any example GEDCOM files that included this feature for _LOC tag, although I did find some very old GEDCOM files with the _SCHEMA tag, mostly exported by FTW vers 2.
    Do we want to include it for export?
    Author recommends NOT to include.
    GEDCOM L Schema for the _LOC tag is included below.
    0 HEAD ... 1 _SCHEMA 2 PLAC 3 _LOC 4 _DEFN Location record 5 CONC GEDCOM/PLAC-Tag#Location_Records
  2. Should Gramps be exporting GEDCOM custom tags? These tags (starting with an '_' example: "_LOC") are defined by GEDCOM specifications as legal ways to extend the Gramps specification. Programs that do not recognize these tags are supposed to ignore them except for some sort of warning to the user. Gramps does this for our own import by including these in an error dialog after import, as well as notes in the database associated with the object when possible. Gramps already exports a few of these tags for other purposes.
  3. How do we want to include this into Gramps?
    The code is developed under master branch for release at 5.1 timeframe.


Round trip GEDCOM in to GEDCOM out will not be transparent for all the fields in the GEDCOM L _LOC record. Data should not be lost, but some data will get converted to Notes, which would be inconvenient for users.

See also