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H-tree Pedigree View - example showing 5 generations(31 people total)

H-Tree Pedigree view is an interactive Charts Charts category view addon that presents a navigable ancestors tree using the current active person as a starting point. Clicking another person in the family tree will make that person the active person and will redraw the family tree based on them.

The H-Tree is a structured, space-efficient technique for pedigree visualization (to display ancestral trees).

The H-tree based layout can be used to display ancestral trees. This layout increases the number of displayable generations, via a symmetrically arranged structure, provides the the user with an overview that allows them to understand and navigate through the data.


From the Charts Charts category view select the H-Tree Pedigree View icon or select View > H-Tree Pedigree View from the menu.

Configure the active view

H-tree Pedigree View - Layout tab - default configuration options

You can configure the following options on the Layout tab:

  • [x]Show images
  • [x]Show tags
  • Tree size: 5(default) range 2 to 6 generations.

H-tree will display the following number of people if the Tree size is set to:

  • 2 generations = 3 people total
  • 3 generations = 7 people total
  • 4 generations = 15 people total
  • 5 generations = 31 people total
  • 6 generations = 47 people total

Context menu

Depending where you click two context menus are available.

Blank area

Context menu(right click) Blank area example

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Person nodes

Context menu(right click) Person node example

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  • Drawing issues for "Tree Size" 6 (center three boxes child and parents are too large)
  • Add connecting lines to show relationships between people and make the chart clear to read
  • Add ability to Print.
  • In title bar of Gramps shows "H-tree Pedigree" View instead of "H-Tree Pedigree" View ( issue is lower case "t" in "H-tree" )

See also