Addon:FamilyTree DNA
This is a Third-party Addon. Please use carefully on data that is backed up, and help make it better by reporting any comments or problems to the author, or issues to the bug tracker |
🚧 Work In Progress This wikipage is about an Addon being roughed in. So the interface is in flux. Please don't edit just yet. |
The purpose of this tool is to import DNA Haplogroup and autosomal segment information from the FamilyTree DNA site. The autosomal test in FamilyTree DNA is called FamilyFinder. The tool requires the user to first tie the FamilyTree person to the Gramps person. Only those people who are tied to a Gramps ID will be processed. Once done, the user needs to download the FamilyFinder match CSV file and the Chromosome Browser file. The user can then execute the tool to extract the haplogroups for matches and the DNA segment information for use with the DNA Segment Map gramplet.
Specific Details
For every person in FamilyTreeDNA that is matched to a person in the Gramps tree (thru a FamilyTree DNA note), an Association is created. This Association has a Note that includes all of the Segment data. Optionally, for every person matched, the Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroup will be added as an Attribute to the matched person.
The Gramps Active person should be the person whose FamilyTree DNA was downloaded. The tool creates a DNA Association between the Active person and each matched person. The reciprocal Association is not created.
If a DNA Association already exists between the Active person and a match person, nothing will be added. If the match person already has a Y-DNA or mtDNA haplogroup Attribute, it will not replace or change it. Therefore, the tool can be executed multiple times as more people are tied between FamilyTree DNA and Gramps.
FamilyTree DNA prep
The first step is to go to the FamilyTree DNA app and tie the matches to Gramps.
Once you sign into the FamilyTreeDNA website, (in the mobile app, navigate to Results & Tools --> Autosomal DNA --> Matches). For each match that is present in your Gramps tree, click the Edit Note icon. Add the text 'GRAMPSID=' followed by the Gramps ID for that individual into the note. The note should change appearance to indicate it is non-blank. For instance, if you were to match I0000001, you would enter 'GRAMPSID=I0000001' as the Family Tree note.
Complete for all of the matches that are in your Gramps tree
Export CSV
Click the Export CSV icon and select All Matches to download the Family Finder match info. This will create a file <kit number>_Family_Finder_Matches_<YYYY-MM-DD>.csv
. This file has the name of the match, the note, and (potentially) the haplogroups (depending on which tests have been purchased).
Download Segments
Navigate to Results & Tools --> Autosomal DNA --> Chromosome Browser. Click on the Download All Segments. This will create a <kit number>_Chromosome_Browser_Results_<YYYYMMDD>.csv
file. This file has the name of the match and the segment info for all matches.
The inputs for the gramplet are:
- Enter FTDNA Family Finder Filename: Choose the downloaded file. This is a required field.
- Enter FTDNA Chromosome Segment Filename: Choose the Segment downloaded file. This is a required field.
- Import Haplogroups: Check if the match haplogroup should be imported as an Attribute of the match. If the attribute already exists, it is not overwritten.
- FTDNA Note String: The identifier used to extract the Gramps ID from the FamilyTree note in the first file. This defaults to "
". The match GrampsID should immediately follow this string in the note - Shared Citation ID: The Citation ID attached to the Association. If none is specified, a new Source and Citation is created.
- Import button: Press to execute the gramplet
- Help button: Press to open a browser to this wiki webpage
The gramplet reads the first downloaded file to check for notes. If the note exists, then that person is a match with someone in Gramps. For each match, the haplogroup is extracted (if requested) and added as an Attribute on the match.
The gramplet reads the second downloaded file and tracks the segment info for each match. An Association is created for each match. If the DNA Association already exists, nothing is added. This Association is with the Active person and the match. For each match, a Gramps Note is created and attached to the Association. This Gramps Note contains the segment match information that can be read by Addon:DNASegmentMapGramplet. If the user specified a Citation ID, that ID is attached to each Association. Otherwise one Source / Citation is created and attached to each of the Associations.
The two FamilyTree download files are tied together using the name of the match. If the name is not unique, then the match information will be incorrect. It uses the First, Middle, and Last names as specified by the match when they created their FamilyTree account.
See Also
- Sync Association addon tool
- DNA Segment Map addon Gramplet
- Roles, Relationships & Associations
- Genetics