Gramps 5.2.0 released

Version 5.2.0 – a new major release, has been released 2024-02-23. Make sure to backup before you upgrade.. Changes since v5.2.0-rc1: Updated translations: ca, cs, da, de, de_AT, en_GB, es, fr, hr, hu, id, it, nb, nl, pl, sk, sl, sv, tr, uk, zh_CN. Update development status to production. Remove the Trove classifier “Natural Language […]

Gramps 5.1.6 released

Version 5.1.6 – a new maintenance release, has been released. Make sure to backup before you upgrade. Changes since v5.1.5: Update copyright date. Narrative web: problem with small pictures. Fixes #12884. Implement the “<CTRL>J” for the family view. Fixes #12882. Avoid application crash on invalid user input. If the user inputs an invalid date this […]

Gramps 5.1.5 released

Version 5.1.5 – a new maintenance release, has been released. Make sure to backup before you upgrade. Changes since v5.1.4: Update translations: de, pl, sv, zh_CN. Remove Travis CI configuration. Fix badges in README file. Update copyright date. Strange behavior for the scrollbar in the bottombar. Fixes #12438. Fix place object element order in DTD […]

Gramps 5.1.4 released

Version 5.1.4 – a new maintenance release, has been released. Make sure to backup before you upgrade. Changes since v5.1.3: Update translations: cs, de, es, fi, fr, hu, nl, pt_BR, ru, sv, zh_CN. Update copyright date. Fix probably alive if death without date. Place editor, copy and paste of lat and long text no longer […]