Gramps 4.2.5 released
The Gramps team releases version 4.2.5,
a maintenance release. Think on backup before upgrade!
Fixes and changes since 4.2.4 release:
- The configparser is assuming the wrong encoding
- Sorting in family tab of narrated web report
- Silence remaining PyGIWarning
- Sorting of relationships in family tab of narrated web report
- Use latest valid date rather than today
- Modify endonym handling in place displayer
- Fix house number concatenation
- Allow merging of families with one or more parents in common
- Jump to Gramps ID functionality doesn’t work
- Ability to search alternate place names when selecting place
- Fix clear map action on Geography
- Database repair tool always edit all source objects
- Database repair tool ignored some objects with tag
- “Enclosing” gramplet includes places outside valid date ranges
- Fix icon and tooltip in LDS editor
- CSV import fails
- Fix duplicated Gramps IDs on Gedcom import
- Unexpected error Preferences > Dates > Markup for invalid date format
- Fix Import Vcard, can create multiple surnames with all selected as ‘Primary’
- Fix Gedcom import in some alternate languages; improper date parsing
- Export options ‘Preview’ buttons create hidden quickreport
- Alignment radio buttons in the style editor do not work
- Select Place search & Source/Citation hierarchy should NOT be expanded
- Tweak improvement on Tag editor
- Support for Windows Python3 pythonw.exe
- Wrong parsing Numeric date format for cs_CZ locale
- Fix Icelandic and German translations
- Fix Norwegian relationship calculator
- Update translations: cs, de, fi, fr, hu, is, nb, ru
You can get Gramps 4.2.5 from the GitHub page.
Thank you all! See Changelog for more details.
Irene M
22 December 2016 @ 10:02 pm
Just attempted to download 4.2.5, but Norton Antivirus says that both Windows 32 and 64 bit are unsafe and deletes them. Are others encountering this problem?
29 December 2016 @ 2:08 am
Thanks for the update!
1. Family trees > export – throws an error message “django.conf could not be found”
2. Geography > All knows Places – doesn’t show any places (it works in GrampsAIO64 4.2.1)
I use GrampsAIO-4.2.5-1_win64.exe
29 January 2017 @ 11:10 am
Thanks. This is a very good program!!
My Monthly Update for January 2017 | Ross Gammon's Blog
Pingback — 4 February 2017 @ 10:55 pm
[…] latest Gramps 4.2.5 release for Debian so that it will be part of the Stretch […]
Asbjørn Breivik
4 February 2017 @ 11:00 pm
Det blir bra !
Dieter Breithaupt
12 February 2017 @ 9:40 pm
Gramps 4.2.5
After starting a new GRAMPS-Installation I’m getting the following error message
cx_Freeze: Python error in main script (traceback unavailable)
Cannot import traceback module
Exception: name ‘long’ is not defined
Original Exception name ‘long’ is not defined
George H.
24 March 2017 @ 8:40 pm
Running OS X Sierra 10.12.3. Program continually crashes.
27 April 2017 @ 8:13 pm
I have 2 problems:
1= As for IRENE M, my 360* antivirus program also blocked the exe file as very unsafe;
2+ Unabe to find the french version for Windows 10 64.
Anybody can help ?
David James
4 July 2017 @ 8:57 pm
I have upgraded to 4.2.5 recently and have a few issues.
When I start it up I get a message “The ‘git’ command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?” Buttons available , and . I choose Not Now.
It then ask if I want to upgrade the family tree when I try to load it. fortunately i have it backed-up because it corrupts the data. It sometimes duplicates every individual, breaks links etc.
David James
4 July 2017 @ 8:58 pm
I forgot on the last post…
Using an iMac with macOS Sierra v 10.12.5 installed.
detlef Gericke
21 July 2017 @ 7:59 pm
gramps4.2.5 läuft bei mir mit Linux Mint18.2
es geht prima
Irene M
26 August 2017 @ 1:52 am
Tried again today to download 4.2.5 and was successful.