Gramps 3.1.3 (“What Name?”) released
The Gramps Developers have released: Version 3.1.3 of Gramps! The “What Name?” release.
- Contains translation updates, crash fixes, bug fixes, and minor updates.
- fixes and updates to:
- notes, date handler, GEDCOM parser, GEDCOM export, PlaceView,
- thumbnails, unicode/text truncation, Gramplets, gtk 2.18/Ubuntu 9.10,
- xml export/import data loss, GeneWeb GEDCOM import, css updates
- several MacPorts-specific fixes
- several Windows-specific fixes
Anthony Brow
3 April 2010 @ 4:02 am
Hi Folks,
Just downloaded the new Gramps 3.1.3. I have yet to try it.
But, when will the Gramps 3.2.0 be available ? Yes I downloaded it, but I cannot install it in Ubuntu 8.04.
The new Gramps 3.2.0 seems so much better, when reading the Wiki.
Anyway, may thanks in advance,
Tony Brow